The report is "of historic significance" and will play an important role in ... building a more just, inclusive, truly democratic new world order, said Zivadin Jovanovic, former Serbian senior diplomat, during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report on U.S. military hegemony #USHegemony
"Since 1945, one of the main pillars of the United States' growth and hegemony in international politics and the world economy has been the war industry," said Mexican researcher Ignacio Martinez Cortes, during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report #USHegemony
Washington, today more than ever, is promoting war-military hegemony, said Mexican researcher Ignacio Martinez Cortes, who applauded the launch of Xinhua's think tank report #USHegemony
"Throughout the 240-plus-year history of the United States, there were fewer than 20 years in which the country was not at war. The United States could be considered the most belligerent country in the history of the world," said Argentine scholar Gabriel Merino, during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report #USHegemony
"The United States has the idea that security is obtained through expansion of military supremacy. This explains the #NATO expansion ... Global stability is at risk," said Argentine scholar Gabriel Merino, during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report #USHegemony
Why is it so difficult for the U.S. to accept multipolarity? Dmitry Suslov, deputy director of Center for Comprehensive European and Int'l Studies at Russia's Higher School of Economics, shared his opinion during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report #USHegemony
"As soon as any country becomes or could become powerful enough to challenge American global primacy, the U.S. immediately regards it as a threat and starts policies of containment and confrontation," said Dmitry Suslov, deputy director of Center for Comprehensive European and Int'l Studies at Russia's Higher School of Economics, during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report #USHegemony
"I really applaud to the authors of the report on 'Origins, Facts and Perils of U.S. Military Hegemony', which is very deep, accurate and timely," said Dmitry Suslov, deputy director of Center for Comprehensive European and Int'l Studies at Russia's Higher School of Economics, during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report #USHegemony
The military publicly getting into the drone surveillance game should be actively terrifying and rebuked. The police/military state should be questioned at every turn.
#UShegemony #imperialism #capitalism.
#ushegemony #imperialism #capitalism
"I hope decisionmakers in Washington will realize that they are not in the unipolar world. They are not a hegemon in the world. They cannot dictate to all the other countries," said Gao Zhikai during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report #USHegemony
"For the past decades, it has been illustrated very eloquently that the #USHegemony... has actually brought about instability, pains and suffering... in so many parts of the world," said Gao Zhikai during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report
"No country wants to live under the hegemony of any other country. We all want to be equal. We all want to have equal voices," said Gao Zhikai during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report #USHegemony
"If you pursue hegemony in such a way the U.S. has been doing..., eventually you end up with overreach. And when you overreach, it's the beginning of your decline," said Gao Zhikai during the launch of Xinhua's think tank report #USHegemony
The U.S. has long relied on a strategy of selectively applying international law when it serves its interests while ignoring it when it doesn't #USHegemony
In light of the weakening of its absolute military superiority, the U.S. has been gradually breaking through geographical structural, and technological limitations in its use of its military alliance system #USHegemony
The endless wars to defend and enhance its supremacy are turning the U.S. into a spartan state and dragging it into a perpetual state of war #USHegemony
The main way for the U.S. to establish and maintain military hegemony is to establish an alliance system with itself at the core #USHegemony
In 2021, U.S. military expenditure accounted for 38% of the world's total, exceeding the sum of the rest in world's top 10 #USHegemony
Destroying lives, crippling sovereignties, disturbing order, hindering peace, causing disasters, U.S. military hegemony is endangering global security & stability, impeding progress and eventually harming itself. #UShegemony
For more, read our report:
(An #AIGC video)
In 2021, military expenditure of the U.S. and its #NATO allies together accounted for 55% of the world's total #USHegemony