New on my #blog:
#cricket #WomensPremierLeague #photography #birds #buildings
A look at the opening salvos of the Womens Premier League, including a five-for taken by a #USian, a link to a petitiion and a large photo gallery.
#usian #buildings #birds #photography #womenspremierleague #cricket #blog
Thinking about how I use #hashtags to make my #music more findable here
Specifically, #folk
When we say "folk music," 9 times out of ten it's used to describe "white, European or American" folk music
Everything else gets the #WorldMusic tag, right?
How to #decolonize my own music, wrt the kinds of buckets I use?
More buckets? #folk #singerSongwriter #usian
I don't know what the solution is
Folk art is unschooled art. There are folks who make art... in every place on earth
#usian #singersongwriter #decolonize #worldmusic #folk #music #hashtags