July 27, 1954 - The democratically elected Guatemalan government of Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, after receiving 65% of the vote, was overthrown by CIA-paid and -trained mercenaries. There followed a series of military dictatorships that waged a genocidal war against the indigenous Mayan Indians and against political opponents into the '90s. Nearly 200,000 citizens died over the nearly four decades of civil war.
#Guatemala #CIA #Coupdétat #USImperialism
#guatemala #cia #coupdetat #usimperialism
"As the American imperial project in the Pacific World grew at the end of the nineteenth century, so too did the American security and intelligence state, argues Dr. #MoonHoJung in '#MenaceToEmpire: Anticolonial Solidarities and the Transpacific Origins of the US Security State'.. "
#RacialCapitalism #USImperialism #AmericanEmpire #AnticolonialMovements #imperialism #PhilippineAmericanWar #books
#moonhojung #menacetoempire #racialcapitalism #usimperialism #americanempire #anticolonialmovements #imperialism #philippineamericanwar #books
CIA & CWA by Cynthia Sweeney
#CommunicationsWorkersofAmerica, #CWA, #CentralIntelligenceAgency, #CIA, #usimperialism, #tradeunionimperialism, #AmericanInstituteforFreeLaborDevelopment, #AIFLD, #NationalEndowmentforDemocracy, #NED, #UnitedStatesDepartmentofState, #statedepartment, #unitedstatesofamerika, #unions, #laborunions, #brazil, #chile, #AFLCIO, #AFLCIA
"Published June, 1975, by Local 11500 Members"
#communicationsworkersofamerica #cwa #centralintelligenceagency #cia #usimperialism #tradeunionimperialism #americaninstituteforfreelabordevelopment #aifld #nationalendowmentfordemocracy #ned #unitedstatesdepartmentofstate #statedepartment #unitedstatesofamerika #unions #laborunions #brazil #chile #aflcio #AFLCIA
African Americans in Hawaiʻi: A Search for Identity by Ayin M. Adams; Aaron L. Day; Indira Hale Tucker; Kathryn Waddell Takara
#Hawaii, #historyofHawaii, #Africandiaspora, #Pacifichistory, #historyofthepacific, #Africanamerikan, #Africanamerikans, #biographies, #biographicalhistory, #biographicalhistories, #colonialism, #imperialism, #usimperialism, #uscolonialism, #usempire, #antiblackness, #colorism, #Blackhistory
#hawaii #historyofhawaii #AfricanDiaspora #pacifichistory #historyofthepacific #africanamerikan #africanamerikans #biographies #biographicalhistory #biographicalhistories #colonialism #imperialism #usimperialism #uscolonialism #usempire #antiblackness #colorism #blackhistory
"The Chicano Movement here in the United States took the #Magonistas and their anti-capitalist and anti-racist ideologies as a model for organizing. The Magonistas are their grandmothers and grandfathers"
#KellyLytleHernández discusses her book "#BadMexicans: Race, Empire, and Revolution in the Borderlands"
The #MexicanRevolution and The Migrants Who Sparked It
#RicardoFloresMagón #USImperialism #USEmpire #MexicanAmericans #Mexico #LatinxHistory #books
#books #latinxhistory #mexico #mexicanamericans #usempire #usimperialism #ricardofloresmagon #mexicanrevolution #badmexicans #kellylytlehernandez #magonistas
"The Chicano Movement here in the United States took the #Magonistas and their anti-capitalist and anti-racist ideologies as a model for their organizing. The Magonistas are their grandfathers and grandmothers"
#KellyLytleHernández discusses her book "#BadMexicans: Race, Empire, and Revolution in the Borderlands"
The #MexicanRevolution and The Migrants Who Sparked It
#RicardoFloresMagón #USImperialism #USEmpire #MexicanAmericans #Mexico #LatinxHistory #books
#books #latinxhistory #mexico #mexicanamericans #usempire #usimperialism #ricardofloresmagon #mexicanrevolution #badmexicans #kellylytlehernandez #magonistas
Teenage me in history class learning about the fall of the Roman Empire, plagues, and natural disasters: Why would anyone choose to go into a monastery or nunnery? It sounds so boring to just garden, read scripture, and pray all day.
Adult me living through the collapse of the US empire, covid, and the climate apocalypse: I really wish I could cloister myself away from the world to a place where I could do nothing but grow my own food, read, and contemplate the meaning of life!
#ClimateChange #ClimateCollapse #Covid #pandemic #plague #USImperialism #solitude #LeaveMeAlone #History
#climatechange #climatecollapse #covid #pandemic #plague #usimperialism #solitude #leavemealone #history
And check back next week for Part 2 with Caroline and the Manilatown Heritage Foundation.
Photography by Michelle Kilfeather
Sound design by Kayla Anchell
#Filipinos #Filipinas #ManilatownSF #KearnyStreet #TheIHotel #migrantworkers #immigrants #USimperialism #cheaplabor #displacement #gentrification #perseverance #strength #selfdetermination #AAPI #CarolineCabading #storytelling #talkstories #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#Filipinos #filipinas #manilatownsf #kearnystreet #theihotel #migrantworkers #immigrants #usimperialism #cheaplabor #displacement #gentrification #perseverance #strength #selfdetermination #AAPI #carolinecabading #storytelling #talkstories #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
"Russia And China Draw 'Red Lines' On Their Borders; US Draws Them On The Other Side Of The Planet."
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #AudioStream
#Russia #China #UnitedStates #GlobalAffairs
#USHypocrisy #USWarmongers #USWarHawks
#USWarmongering #USDoubleStandards #USA
#USImperialism #USEmpire #USForkedTongue
#USWorldDominance #USThreats #USHegemony
#USEvil #USBullies #USThugs #USDirtyTricks
#usdirtytricks #usthugs #usbullies #usevil #ushegemony #usthreats #usworlddominance #usforkedtongue #usempire #usimperialism #USA #usdoublestandards #uswarmongering #uswarhawks #uswarmongers #UShypocrisy #globalaffairs #unitedstates #China #Russia #Audiostream #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
Well said, and I agree. Sadly, our (US) government values spending $$$ on military actions vs giving Americans Basic Needs. Shame on our gov for stoking wars, instead of negotiating peace deals.
USA situation is as follows:
✔ No #LivingWages
✔ No #MedicareForAll
✔ No #HousingForAll
✔ And endless $$$ for Wars
This is why I'm very proud to be an Independent Voter.
#USHypocrisy #USEmpire #USDoubleStandard
#USImperialism #USHegemony #USFalsehoods
#usfalsehoods #usempire #ushegemony #usimperialism #usdoublestandard #UShypocrisy #housingforall #medicareforall #livingwages
Audio Stream: "Imagine If China Did To The US What The US Is Doing To China."
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #AudioStream
#TruthtoPower #TruthAbouttheUSA
#China #UnitedStates #USHypocrisy
#USImperialism #USWarmongering
#USWarmongers #USDoubleStandard
#USHegemony #USFakeMoralAuthority
#USFalseMoralAuthority #UnitedStates
#USWarEmpire #USMilitaryEmpire #MIC
#mic #usmilitaryempire #uswarempire #usfalsemoralauthority #usfakemoralauthority #ushegemony #usdoublestandard #uswarmongers #uswarmongering #usimperialism #UShypocrisy #unitedstates #China #truthabouttheusa #truthtopower #Audiostream #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
Well said, Eric.
And also what's happening in #Yemen and #Palestine, amongst other #USAtrocities.
#USHypocrisy #USAggression
#USImperialism #USEmpire
#usempire #usimperialism #usaggression #UShypocrisy #usatrocities #Palestine #Yemen
"In #ThisFlameWithin, #ManijehMoradian recounts the experiences of Iranian foreign students who joined a global movement against #USImperialism during the 1960s and 1970s. Arguing for a transnational feminist interpretation of the #IranianStudentAssociation’s legacy, Moradian demonstrates how the recognition of multiple sources of oppression in the West and in #Iran can reorient Iranian diasporic politics today."
#books #iraniandiaspora #iranianrevolutionaries #iran #iranianstudentassociation #usimperialism #manijehmoradian #thisflamewithin
"In #ThisFlameWithin, #ManijehMoradian recounts the experiences of Iranian foreign students who joined a global movement against #USimperialism during the 1960s and 1970s. Arguing for a transnational feminist interpretation of the #IranianStudentAssociation’s legacy, Moradian demonstrates how the recognition of multiple sources of oppression in the West and in #Iran can reorient Iranian diasporic politics today."
#books #iraniandiaspora #iranianrevolutionaries #iran #iranianstudentassociation #usimperialism #manijehmoradian #thisflamewithin
#russiaukraineceasefirenow #rogerwatersspeakstruth #peacenegotiationsnow #usfalsemoralauthority #usfakemoralauthority #RussiaUkraineConflict #usprovokedthiscrisis #rogerwatersisahero #allwarmongersbad #usprovokedthiswar #RussiaUkraineCrisis #usrussiaproxywar #uswarmongering #EnoughIsEnough #usprovocations #usfalsemorality #usfakemorality #uswarmongers #usimperialism #usaggression #UShypocrisy #usmilitarism
Seymour Hersh, who broke the story of Mai Lai and Abu Ghraib, reveals that the US Navy destroyed Nord Stream II. #USImperialism #NoToImperialistWar https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream
#usimperialism #notoimperialistwar
"Menace to Empire" - Pacific Histories of the West February Webinar Series
Author #MoonHoJung joins Professor Sean Fraga to discuss his new book, #MenaceToEmpire: Anticolonial Solidarities and the Transpacific Origins of the US Security State
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Pacific Time
#USEmpire #USImperialism #Imperialism #Empire #AnticolonialMovements #colonialism #decolonization #books
#books #decolonization #colonialism #anticolonialmovements #empire #imperialism #usimperialism #usempire #menacetoempire #moonhojung
Audio Stream - "More Evidence That the West Sabotaged Peace In #Ukraine by #GoingRogue With #CaitlinJohnstone
#RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineConflict
#USHijinx #USInterference #USDirtyTactics
#USImperialism #USMeddling #USTactics
#USDestructiveness #USSelfishness #USA
#USGreed #USEvil #USDeceit #USSabotage
#USHypocrisy #USDoubleDealing #USATricks
#usatricks #usdoubledealing #UShypocrisy #ussabotage #usdeceit #usevil #usgreed #USA #usselfishness #usdestructiveness #ustactics #USMeddling #usimperialism #usdirtytactics #usinterference #ushijinx #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineCrisis #caitlinjohnstone #goingrogue #Ukraine
Biden's despicable racism enables ongoing genocide of Palestinians by apartheid #Israel. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/michael-f-brown/biden-sides-israels-extreme-racists #USimperialism #whitesupremacism
#israel #usimperialism #whitesupremacism
Of course the US or one of its NATO vassals sabotaged the Nord Stream pipeline. https://www.firstpost.com/world/if-russia-did-not-sabotage-nord-stream-who-did-12056682.html/ #USimperialism #GoHomeYankees