Two of my sketches from today's Urban Sketchers Sydney excursion to Sydney Olympic Park. I brought along watercolour pencils in the colours of the five Olympic rings but then looked in vain for suitable subject matter. Eventually made do with the entry attendant at a construction site (plus his orange hi-vis vest, of course). Didn't leave enough time for painting at the brick pit site, so that one's a 20-minute speedy number with little detail. I think, however, I managed to convey the send of vertical as well as horizontal depth.
Brick pit: A5 Hahnemühle Akademie Aquarell watercolour book; Construction worker: A6 Hahnemühle Nostalgie sketchbook
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#usksyd #urbansketch #urbansketching #watercoloursketch #watercolorsketch #inksketch #constructionsite #sydneyolympicpark