#lawfedi #uslawfedi #dataprivacy
Data Breach Notification in the United States and Territories | PrivacyRights.org
#lawfedi #uslawfedi #dataprivacy
I guess the US has kind of given up on the idea of trying to keep homeowners in their homes? #uslawfedi ##lawfedi #consumerprotection
For many struggling mortgage borrowers with home equity, selling their home could be an alternative to foreclosure | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
#uslawfedi #lawfedi #consumerprotection
FTC Order Requires Pyrex Glass Manufacturer to Pay for Falsely Claiming Chinese Products Were Made in USA | Federal Trade Commission
https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/01/ftc-order-requires-pyrex-glass-manufacturer-pay-falsely-claiming-chinese-products-were-made-usa #uslawfedi #USlaw #consumerprotection #lawfedi
#uslawfedi #USlaw #consumerprotection #lawfedi
FTC proposes to ban employee non-compete agreements. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/01/ftc-proposes-rule-ban-noncompete-clauses-which-hurt-workers-harm-competition #uslawfedi #ftc #lawfedi #workerprotection
#uslawfedi #FTC #lawfedi #workerprotection
#uslawfedi #cryptocurrency #aml #compliance #fintech
Press Release- January 3, 2023: Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris Announces $100 Million Settlement with Coinbase, Inc. after DFS Investigation Finds Significant Failings in the Company’s Compliance Program | Department of Financial Services
#uslawfedi #cryptocurrency #aml #compliance #fintech
US-based mastodon hosts should pay attention to this lawsuit. #uslawfedi #internetlaw
Trade association sues over California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act
#lawfedi #cryptocurrency #uslawfedi
Crypto-Assets: Joint Statement on Crypto-Asset Risks to Banking Organizations | OCC
#lawfedi #cryptocurrency #uslawfedi