Interessant Information, die mir nicht bekannt war: Größter Spender im US-Wahlkampf in diesem Jahr war die Crypto-Branche. #Crypto #Bitcoin #FTX #USMidterm
#crypto #bitcoin #ftx #usmidterm
WAAAAY to early to predict anything but could people care more about #Democracy #Equality than thought? #USMidterm #Elections2022
#democracy #equality #usmidterm #elections2022
Being on #paternityleave allows me to follow the #usmidterm closely. The @CNN hosts do seem a bit tired 😴 Have everybody forgotten that results from larger cities come in last, and that they overwhelmingly vote #Democrat ? Or is the lead to big to be turned?
#democrat #usmidterm #PaternityLeave
Dems have a 4.7M lead in early voting.
Also reports in the big voter turnouts already on election day itself
But on downside, reports of broken voting machines in AZ and PA (voter suppression?).
Would like to follow this conversation.
I’d like to do a list with decent progressive US journalists and commentators, so I can follow the #USMidterm results in a sane fashion. Any recommendations highly appreciated.
I’ll also predict Donald Trump launches his 2024 bid for President anytime from 4PM ET tonight to 2PM ET tomorrow morning. #midtermelections #USMidterm
I also predict Dems will maintain control of the house.
I really wanted to tilt FL for Demings and went back and forth, I think the COVID deaths are nearly impossible to account for in polling but I left it a toss up.
I fully expect to see a counter narrative from right wing media centering around OH, FL, and TX and fringe fraud claims out of AZ , NC, and possibly even PA that will begin to bubble up as early as 9PM ET.
Well, goodnight from Australia, looking forward to waking up to my biannual panic attack #USMidterm
#Voting today in the #USMidterm. Feels a bit sisyphean in #SouthCarolina, but in addition to all of the national travesties Republicans are pushing, they're running a state superintendent campaign built around blocking federal requirements to protect #DisabledStudents from discrimination in schooling. Even if the state will ultimately side with that out of the (absurd) fear of #CRT, I can't abide it.
I love my home state and want to see it get better. But this is exhausting.
#voting #usmidterm #southcarolina #disabledstudents #crt
Since YOU asked MY take on #Twitter vs #Mastodon vs the #USMidterm ...
No, of course you didn’t. But this is short, and you’d better read it anyway. I mean it. Pls RT: