Remember that many proposals in 2020 by liberals like Copmala pretending to be #Medicare4All were in fact fake bait-and-switch scams to further #MedicareAdvantage privatization.
That's why I insist on #SinglePayer and #USNHS (a genuine nationalized healthcare system with NO profiteering whatsoever).
(h/t @rchusid)
#medicare4all #medicareadvantage #singlepayer #usnhs
Thinking about putting out my idea of a platform of immediate, short term, and long term actions that could be accomplished by an Indy Left movement upon seizing power.
Anyone game for it?
#IndyLeft #Socialism #SeizeTheMeans #Left #DemocraticSocialism #Labor #Healthcare #Medicare4All #SinglePayer #NHS #USNHS
#usnhs #nhs #singlepayer #medicare4all #healthcare #labor #democraticsocialism #left #seizethemeans #socialism #IndyLeft