"There is something extremely refreshing about an author who assumes it should be obvious that billionaires should not be allowed to exist – and has perfectly reasonable proposals about how they should be eliminated"
Charles Kaiser reviews Bernie Sanders' book 'It's OK To Be Angry About Capitalism'
#SocialistSunday #BernieSanders #Capitalism #Billionnaires #Oligarchy #USOligarchy
#usoligarchy #oligarchy #billionnaires #Capitalism #BernieSanders #socialistsunday
@rbreich The entire US economy is an Oligopoly. That’s what unfettered capitalism leads to. Regulators are asleep at the wheel (naive view) or completely corrupt (sounds more like it) and point to “competition” between the top 3-4 players as a fig leaf, but they conveniently forget to mention that in may cases, these dominant players don’t even operate in the same markets and have carved regional dominance that limits competition. #RenterEconomy #USOligarchy