#uspl #MyPillowGuy #magaidiots Guess this proves you CAN make this stuff up. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/20/politics/mike-lindell-2020-election/index.html
#magaidiots #MyPillowGuy #uspl
#uspl #afghanistan #veterans https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/06/us/politics/evacuations-afghanistan-war-biden.html
From the first day I was in country, I always wanted to be on the last plane out of #bagram to watch them push the button and turn that place into a 5 meter deep pile of rubble as we left because it was for NOTHING. Instead the #usmarines and #usnavy and gods only know how many Afghanis died for NOTHING. It wasn't just #trump , it was #gwbush , #obama and the rest. DAMN them all.
#obama #gwbush #trump #usnavy #usmarines #bagram #veterans #afghanistan #uspl
@forbrspress.coop #trump #uspl Ha! Even then he was giving the finger to media he didn't control. https://press.coop/@Forbes/110137895583657606
@IndyRichard #Scotland #ScotishDemocracy #Democracy #Uspl I feel the same about the situation on this side of the Atlantic. The #representative government isn't, and those in power are diligently working to stamp out the idea of it around the world. The terrifying thing is, none of them are even trying to disguise it. That's how confident of success they are.
#representative #uspl #democracy #scotishdemocracy #scotland