"My Heart Is an Open Book" is a song written by #HalDavid and #LeePockriss and performed by #CarlDobkinsJr It reached #3 on the #USPopChart and #11 on the #USR_BChart in 1959. It was featured on his 1959 album Carl Dobkins, Jr. The single ranked #19 on Billboard's Year-End Hot 100 singles of 1959.
#haldavid #leepockriss #carldobkinsjr #uspopchart #usr_bchart
"Honey-Babe" is a song written by #MaxSteiner and #PaulFrancisWebster which was featured in the 1955 film #BattleCry. It was commercially recorded by #ArtMooneyAndHisOrchestra, reaching No. 6 on the #USPopChart in 1955. The song ranked at No. 23 on #Billboard magazine's #Top30SinglesOf1955. Since its release, the song has been used as a cadence, with countless variations and adaptations in verses, in all branches of the US military to the present day.
#maxsteiner #paulfranciswebster #battlecry #artmooneyandhisorchestra #uspopchart #billboard #top30singlesof1955
"Those Oldies but Goodies (Remind Me of You)" is a song written by Nick Curinga and #PaulPoliti and performed by #LittleCaesar_TheRomans. It reached #9 on the #USPopChart and #28 on the #USR_BChart in 1961. The song ranked #69 on #Billboard magazine's #Top100SinglesOf1961.
#paulpoliti #littlecaesar_theromans #uspopchart #usr_bchart #billboard #top100singlesof1961
"Sail Along, Silv'ry Moon" is a song written by #HarryTobias and #PercyWenrich in 1937 and performed by #BingCrosby. It reached #4 on the #USPopChart in 1937. Outside of the US, the song peaked at #1 in Canada, Germany and Norway.
#harrytobias #percywenrich #bingcrosby #uspopchart
"So Fine" is a song written by #JohnnyOtis and performed by #TheFiestas. It reached #3 on the #USR_BChart and #11 on the #USPopChart in 1959. Jim Gribble is credited as the writer of the song, however, Johnny Otis filed a lawsuit claiming the copyright of the song, which had been recorded in 1955 by The Sheiks, a group that included #JesseBelvin. Otis' side won the case. The song was ranked #69 on Billboard's Year-End Hot 100 singles of 1959.
#johnnyotis #thefiestas #usr_bchart #uspopchart #jessebelvin
"Stoned Soul Picnic" is a 1968 song by #LauraNyro. The best-known version of the song was recorded by #the5thDimension, and was the first single released from their #albumOfTheSameTitle. It was the most successful single from that album, reaching No. 3 on the #USPopChart and No. 2 on the Billboard #R_BChart. It became a #platinumRecord. The song was composed and recorded by Nyro for her album #EliAndTheThirteenthConfession, released in March 1968.
#lauranyro #the5thdimension #albumofthesametitle #uspopchart #r_bchart #platinumrecord #eliandthethirteenthconfession
"Gotta Travel On" is an American #folksong. The earliest known version was printed in #CarlSandburg's #TheAmericanSongbag in 1927 under the title "Yonder Comes the High Sheriff" and several variations were recorded in the 1920s, but the best known version is credited to #PaulClayton, #TheWeavers, Larry Ehrlich, and Dave Lazer and was first recorded by #PeteSeeger in 1958.A cover by #BillyGrammer reached #4 on the #USPopChart, #5 on the #USCountryChart.
#folksong #carlsandburg #theamericansongbag #paulclayton #theweavers #peteseeger #billygrammer #uspopchart #uscountrychart