50+ Music · @50years
48 followers · 7537 posts · Server musicworld.social

"My Heart Is an Open Book" is a song written by and and performed by It reached #3 on the and #11 on the in 1959. It was featured on his 1959 album Carl Dobkins, Jr. The single ranked #19 on Billboard's Year-End Hot 100 singles of 1959.

#haldavid #leepockriss #carldobkinsjr #uspopchart #usr_bchart

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
48 followers · 7349 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Honey-Babe" is a song written by and which was featured in the 1955 film . It was commercially recorded by , reaching No. 6 on the in 1955. The song ranked at No. 23 on magazine's . Since its release, the song has been used as a cadence, with countless variations and adaptations in verses, in all branches of the US military to the present day.

#maxsteiner #paulfranciswebster #battlecry #artmooneyandhisorchestra #uspopchart #billboard #top30singlesof1955

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
30 followers · 4576 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Those Oldies but Goodies (Remind Me of You)" is a song written by Nick Curinga and and performed by . It reached #9 on the and #28 on the in 1961. The song ranked #69 on magazine's .

#paulpoliti #littlecaesar_theromans #uspopchart #usr_bchart #billboard #top100singlesof1961

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
23 followers · 4042 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Sail Along, Silv'ry Moon" is a song written by and in 1937 and performed by . It reached #4 on the in 1937. Outside of the US, the song peaked at #1 in Canada, Germany and Norway.

#harrytobias #percywenrich #bingcrosby #uspopchart

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
22 followers · 3320 posts · Server musicworld.social

"So Fine" is a song written by and performed by . It reached #3 on the and #11 on the in 1959. Jim Gribble is credited as the writer of the song, however, Johnny Otis filed a lawsuit claiming the copyright of the song, which had been recorded in 1955 by The Sheiks, a group that included . Otis' side won the case. The song was ranked #69 on Billboard's Year-End Hot 100 singles of 1959.

#johnnyotis #thefiestas #usr_bchart #uspopchart #jessebelvin

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
21 followers · 2751 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Stoned Soul Picnic" is a 1968 song by . The best-known version of the song was recorded by , and was the first single released from their . It was the most successful single from that album, reaching No. 3 on the and No. 2 on the Billboard . It became a . The song was composed and recorded by Nyro for her album , released in March 1968.

#lauranyro #the5thdimension #albumofthesametitle #uspopchart #r_bchart #platinumrecord #eliandthethirteenthconfession

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
21 followers · 2606 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Gotta Travel On" is an American . The earliest known version was printed in 's in 1927 under the title "Yonder Comes the High Sheriff" and several variations were recorded in the 1920s, but the best known version is credited to , , Larry Ehrlich, and Dave Lazer and was first recorded by in 1958.A cover by reached #4 on the , #5 on the .

#folksong #carlsandburg #theamericansongbag #paulclayton #theweavers #peteseeger #billygrammer #uspopchart #uscountrychart

Last updated 1 year ago