President Joe Biden concluded his two-nation visit to India and Vietnam with a press conference where he made several lighthearted remarks
#JoeBiden #USPresident #POTUS #Vietnam #India #PressConference
#joebiden #uspresident #potus #vietnam #india #pressconference
(25 Aug) - Donald Trump’s Mug Shot Released, a Historic First for Any U.S. President #DonaldTrumpMugShot #GeorgiaCharges #USPresident #HistoricFirst #MugShotReleased #PeopleMagazine #Politics #News
#news #politics #peoplemagazine #mugshotreleased #historicfirst #uspresident #georgiacharges #donaldtrumpmugshot
Donald Trump’s Mug Shot Released, a Historic First for Any U.S. President
#DonaldTrumpMugShot #GeorgiaCharges #USPresident #HistoricFirst #MugShotReleased #PeopleMagazine #Politics #News
#donaldtrumpmugshot #georgiacharges #uspresident #HistoricFirst #mugshotreleased #peoplemagazine #politics #news
Former US president Donald Trump, who is seeking his term, has once again raised the issue of high tax by India on certain American products and has said he'd slap reciprocal tax if voted to power in the 2024 presidential elections.
#Trump #India #USPresident
It’s Never About The #USPresident, It’s About The #USEmpire
Okay, note to self:
* Avoid downtown
* Avoid freeways
* Avoid airport area
* Use minor streets and back roads to get around
Traffic is gonna be a mess (more than usual).
Pink News: Can Donald Trump still become president if he’s convicted of a crime? #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #USelection2024 #DonaldTrump #USpresident #Explainer #Features #Politics #US
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #uselection2024 #donaldtrump #uspresident #explainer #features #politics #us
Senators offer bill to block any U.S. president from leaving NATO
#Reuters #SenatorsBill #NATOBill #USPresident #BlockLeavingNATO #USPolitics #Politics #News
#reuters #senatorsbill #natobill #uspresident #blockleavingnato #uspolitics #politics #news
Former US president Donald Trump said Thursday he has been indicted in the federal probe over his handling of classified documents after leaving office.
#SecretDocuments #First #Ex #USPresident
#secretdocuments #first #ex #uspresident
At least 100 million people are eligible to run for US president. Why are we left with Robert F Kennedy Jr? | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian
#uspresident #USElections #DemocratNominations #democrats
Real question. What would possess Mike Pence to run for president?
Trumpsters hate him.
He has extremely limited crossover appeal.
He's too religiously conservative to be attractive to Republican moderates.
He can't win an election with only votes from the religious right.
This question isn't even rooted in dislike of the guy. I am truly wondering what his advisors feel will be his competitive advantage.
#2024 #election #USPresident #GOP ich glaube Tucker Carlson will #USpresident werden....#beprepared
Quand je vois et j'entends des avions brûler du kérosène en tournant en rond au-dessus de la colline du parlement, pour de supposés raisons de sécurité depuis 24 heures à l'occasion de la visite présidentielle, et que ce même monde-là essaie de nous faire croire ensuite que ça se soucie de la planète, je trouve ça assez ironique et je ris un peu.
#uspresident #joebiden #ottawa
#Trump's not REALLY going to be arrested is he? I can't believe that walking stool-sample will ever face an iota of justice. It's not like any other #USPresident ever has
> ... see the irony in the framing of Abe’s assassination as a “barbaric act aimed to destroy democracy” in light of the corruption scandals and authoritarian policies that mark his legacy. What is perhaps even more disturbing is the outpouring of messages from.. the West who see Abe not only as a victim of an attack against democracy but also as a fervent “defender” of democracy himself.. #USPresident #JoeBiden called Abe a “champion” of the alliance between Japan and the United States..
I was stuck on reading this article about President Carter that most of today's Americans weren't even born when he left office in 1981. I'm showing my age since I lived through those eventful times although I spent the majority of the Carter presidency doing research at McMaster University in Canada. #Carter #USPresident #70s
Conservative entrepreneur #VivekRamaswamy announces GOP presidential bid
#GOP #Primaries #USPresident
#vivekramaswamy #gop #primaries #uspresident
Pointing out the war crimes of #JimmyCarter is a good way to see how liberals like to ignore inconvenient truths as much as conservatives. They'll jump straight to "the left is never satisfied" or "something something Mugabe was evil too."
Meanwhile I've seen people saying things like "Carter fought hard for democracy globally" without the slightest hint of irony. Historical facts don't seem to mean much in the face of sentiments like "Bad at politics, good human, built homes."
It's important to recognize that Carter may have been better than presidents like Reagan, but he was still responsible for abhorrent crimes in service of capitalist imperialism.
#USPresident #WarCrimes #Imperialism #Capitalism #Nicaragua #EastTimor #Mujahedeen #PolPot
#jimmycarter #uspresident #warcrimes #imperialism #capitalism #Nicaragua #EastTimor #Mujahedeen #polpot
It looks like Carter is gonna kick the bucket, and i just want to remind everyone that despite his reputation, he is still a war criminal.
He supported and funded the Indonesian genocide in East Timor.
While Reagan gets the lions share of blame, Carter's administration got the ball rolling on Contra terrorism in Nicaragua
His administration supported Pol Pot's genocidal regime.
Plus fucking over places like Angola, supporting Apartheid South Africa, and of course creating the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan.
#jimmycarter #uspresident #warcriminal #genocide
History may very well show #JimmyCarter as the best #USPresident for who he truly was in modern #history
#Respect #Honesty #Integrity #Humanrights
#jimmycarter #uspresident #history #respect #honesty #integrity #humanrights