I finished #AGameOfThrones last week. So now I'm going to jump back over to nonfiction, and more specifically #USPresidents.
I've had #TheLeadersWeDeserved on my bookshelf for about a year, and it finally feels like the right time to dive into it.
It's very large. And it's very very....dry. Still, looking forward to it greatly.
#agameofthrones #uspresidents #theleaderswedeserved #reading #books #history
Today in #Connecticut History, August 22: A President Makes Transportation History in Hartford
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#20thcentury #august #automobilehistory #columbiacars #connecticutfirsts #connecticuthistory #hartford #teddyroosevelt #theindustrialunitedstates #theodoreroosevelt #transportationhistory #uspresidents
#connecticut #20thcentury #august #automobilehistory #columbiacars #connecticutfirsts #connecticuthistory #hartford #teddyroosevelt #theindustrialunitedstates #theodoreroosevelt #transportationhistory #uspresidents
So I got *another* book about #USPresidents, and it's a big boy. Probably not going to hit into this anytime soon, but hopefully before the end of the year.
On July 4, 1926, then-President Calvin Coolidge delivered a speech to commemorate the 150th anniversary of American independence. I discuss the speech in detail in my article. Fun additional fact... July 4, 1926 was also Coolidge's 54th birthday.
#4thofjuly #independenceday #CalvinCoolidge #uspresidents #speech #ushistory
#ushistory #speech #uspresidents #calvincoolidge #independenceday #4thofjuly
5 former #USpresidents reportedly had #slaveowners as #ancestors – but not #Trump
#uspresidents #slaveowners #Ancestors #Trump
Today in #Connecticut History, June 20: Helen Keller Honored by President Kennedy
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#20thcentury #connecticutcelebrities #connecticuthistory #disability #easton #helenkeller #johnfkennedy #june #uspresidents
#connecticut #20thcentury #connecticutcelebrities #connecticuthistory #disability #easton #helenkeller #johnfkennedy #june #uspresidents
Today in #Connecticut History, June 14: The Cold War Gets a Game-Changing Submarine
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#20thcentury #coldwar #connecticuthistory #groton #harrystruman #june #militaryhistory #subasenewlondon #submarines #usnavy #usnavybases #uspresidents #ussnautilus #waranddefense
#connecticut #20thcentury #coldwar #connecticuthistory #groton #harrystruman #june #militaryhistory #subasenewlondon #submarines #usnavy #usnavybases #uspresidents #ussnautilus #waranddefense
Today in #Connecticut History, June 9: Saving the Oldest Wooden House in Connecticut
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#17thcentury #20thcentury #colonialamerica #colonialera #colonizationandsettlement #connecticuthistory #eastlyme #housemuseums #june #preservation #thomaslee #uspresidents #williamhowardtaft
#connecticut #17thcentury #20thcentury #colonialamerica #colonialera #colonizationandsettlement #connecticuthistory #eastlyme #housemuseums #june #preservation #thomaslee #uspresidents #williamhowardtaft
Today in #Connecticut History, June 3: A Presidential Commencement at the Coast Guard Academy
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#20thcentury #coastguard #coastguardacademy #connecticuthistory #june #lyndonbjohnson #newlondon #uspresidents #uscga
#connecticut #20thcentury #coastguard #coastguardacademy #connecticuthistory #june #lyndonbjohnson #newlondon #uspresidents #uscga
Started a new #USPresidents podcast today but had to quit after episode one because the host seemed to be genuinely unsure who Oliver Cromwell was.
Yes it was considering the history of the island - 1million left (including #USPresidents ancestors) and 1 million dead. Due to the #British taking food out of Ireland, as the people starved to death.
Bit of light reading after the kids have gone to bed.
Fun facts about John Quincy Adams? His middle name is pronounced Kwin-zee because it was the location of his birth.
After leaving the role of President he went on to become a member of the House and essential died on the floor after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage.
His father was also the second person elected to the office of President (just about).
Over the last few years I've really gotten into #USPresidents and the #History of that office. I've read thousands of words about each person to have held that office. I've listened to audio dramas and 100hr+ podcast series about them. I've watched TV series dedicated to them and played video games where I have to pretend to be them. I've even developed a weird kink where I watch people rank them on YouTube.
I just can't get enough. These people and their stories absolutely fascinate me.
Speaking of indicting former Presidents, George H.W. Bush is the least terrible Republican President of my lifetime, yet I think he probably should have been indicted for obstruction of justice in the Iran-Contra investigation.
fan of ours made this. funny as hell!
#uspresidents #tierlist #ai #memes #chiptune
A gay first lady? Yes, we’ve already had one, and here are her love letters.
Fascinating! tl;dr President Grover Cleveland wasn’t married, so his sister filled the official duties of a First Lady, then found her own First Lady.
#LGBTQhistory #lesbian #USPresidents #FirstLadyOfTheUS #RoseCleveland
#lgbtqhistory #lesbian #uspresidents #firstladyoftheus #rosecleveland
#USpresidents and their political scandals:
#Obama wore a beige suit.
#Trump orchestrated a coup attempt.
#Biden ordered the same pasta entree as his wife.
One of these things is not like the others...
Gift article 🔗 (This is hard hitting journalism after all.): https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2023/02/28/bidens-order-same-dish-redhen/?pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWJpZCI6IjU0MDUzNTg4IiwicmVhc29uIjoiZ2lmdCIsIm5iZiI6MTY3NzY0NjgwMCwiaXNzIjoic3Vic2NyaXB0aW9ucyIsImV4cCI6MTY3ODkzOTE5OSwiaWF0IjoxNjc3NjQ2ODAwLCJqdGkiOiIzNTM5NzIxMS1kZGI3LTQzMmMtOGM0NC04YmRmNDVhMjIyNGEiLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy53YXNoaW5ndG9ucG9zdC5jb20vZm9vZC8yMDIzLzAyLzI4L2JpZGVucy1vcmRlci1zYW1lLWRpc2gtcmVkaGVuLyJ9.kNgB3M8e_6axVlScnl2fF9WxCm_yZih9PlwkntiOaMc
#uspresidents #obama #trump #biden #uspolitics #usapolitics
Y'all posting #SongsOrMoviesAboutPresidents but you've forgotten the undeniable best songs about US Presidents....
1) Tippecanoe and Tyler Too - They Might Be Giants
A song about the election of 1840. Catchy as f*ck.
2) James K Polk - They Might Be Giants
A song about the underrated 11th President. Also slaps.
#songsormoviesaboutpresidents #uspresidents #presidents #polk #harrison #tyler
@awl For today's hat trick: William Henry Harrison (March 4, 1841 – April 4, 1841)
#USPresidents #GOAT #Succinct #BrevityIsTheSoulOfWit #BorisNotNatasha #MoscowMule
#uspresidents #goat #succinct #brevityisthesoulofwit #borisnotnatasha #moscowmule
"He clearly miscalculated the capabilities of the Russian military, the capabilities of the Ukrainian military, [and] the willingness of the Ukrainian people to fight for their independence. This was a miscalculation of Napoleonic magnitude." - Kori Schake, Dir. American Enterprise Institute, in an interview with Frontline, "Putin and the Presidents", #pbs #putin #uspresidents #russia #ukraine #biden #war #soviet
#pbs #putin #uspresidents #russia #ukraine #biden #war #soviet