Governor of California seeks to overhaul notorious San Quentin prison. Good luck! (Gift article not behind paywall. Yer welcome!)
#criminaljustice #usprisons #incarceration
Florida man serving 400-year sentence freed after being exonerated for robbery
Sidney Holmes, who served 30 years, released after new inquiry found eyewitness identification was likely ‘misidentification’
#florida #uscourts #uscourtsystem #usprisons
Shackled: The Devastating Reality of Childbirth Behind Bars
#usprisons #BlackMastodon #uspolitics
What is it like to survive an execution by lethal injection?
Alabama’s corrections department has bungled the procedure on three recent occasions, with IV teams failing for hours on end, adding immense distress to a difficult situation
#CapitalPunishment #Alabama #USprisons
#capitalpunishment #alabama #usprisons
An elderly woman in prison is losing her memory. Why won’t California release her? #USprisons #prison #mentalhealth #California
#usprisons #prison #mentalhealth #california