by #SabrinaMoreno in #Axios:
"Most adults in the U.S. should be routinely screened for anxiety even if they don’t have symptoms, a national task force recommended Tuesday."
#sabrinamoreno #axios #anxiety #screening #uspstf #mentalhealth
Conservatives used to complain about activist judges making laws.
Now one of their Texas judges wants to overrule evidence-based medicine and strike all #USPSTF recommendations since 2010.
"Judge Reed O'Connor ruled that #InsuranceCompanies do not have to comply with #PreventativeCare recommendations made by the U.S. Preventive Services #TaskForce (#USPSTF), which was established by a key provision in the #AffordableCareAct (#ACA), also known as #Obamacare."
Just wonderful. #US #healthcare is about to get *worse*. A LOT worse!
'Nothing Short of Catastrophic': #Federal #Judge Strikes Down ACA Preventative Care Provision
#iamdb #judge #federal #m4a #medicareforall #Healthcare #US #obamacare #aca #affordablecareact #uspstf #TaskForce #preventativecare #insurancecompanies