In France, they are offering €49 unlimited travel passes. Meanwhile, in #Wisconsin, I just want to be able to go from Milwaukee to Wisconsin Dells and back again on the same day. I would also love to be able to go from Milwaukee to Green Bay or Milwaukee to Madison AT ALL.
Short video and good explainer about Amtrak / US Passenger Rail Transport.
With the way US Highways are funded and gasoline subsidized, consumers' preference to drive cars, it would be near impossible to get Amtrak anywhere where it used to be in early 20th century.
#passengerrail #USA #vox #usrail #amtrak
Stop the way #PredictiveScheduling guarantees #TrainWrecks for #USRail, rail workers, and communities!…
#predictivescheduling #trainwrecks #usrail
Looks like Amtrak's issuing a procurement request for new train sets for its long distance routes:
And I missed this before but turns out they're replacing regional route trains as well:
Looks like we'll finally be caught up to Europe in like 10 years in terms of accommodations. Still quite a ways to go in terms of speed...