#Ufficio per la ricostruzione: la sala riunioni intitolata al geologo #GiorgioPipponzi
L’Aquila. Si è svolta stamattina in #USRC una riservata cerimonia commemorativa del Geologo #GIORGIOPIPPONZI in forza all’#Ufficio Speciale, molto conosciuto in tutti gli ambienti istituzionali e degli ordini professionali che si occupano di ricostruzione dopo-sisma #2009 e #2016, purtroppo venuto a mancare prematuramente a dicembre 2022. La sala interna per le riunioni
L'articolo #Ufficio per la ricostruzione: la sala riunioni intitolata al geologo #GiorgioPipponzi sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Reconstruction Office: meeting room named after geologist #GiorgioPipponzi
#L'Aquila. A reserved memorial ceremony was held #thismorning at the #USRC for the geologist #GIORGIOPIPPONZI, a member of #theSpecialOffice, who was well known in all institutional and professional circles dealing with post-earthquake reconstruction in #2009 and #2016, and who sadly passed away prematurely in #December2022. The internal meeting room
The article Reconstruction Office: the meeting room named after geologist #GiorgioPipponzi appeared #first on #AbruzzoLive.
5-5-2023 12:45 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/ufficio-per-la-ricostruzione-la-sala-riunioni-intitolata-al-geologo-giorgio-pipponzi/
#ufficio #giorgiopipponzi #usrc #abruzzolive #l #thismorning #thespecialoffice #december2022 #first
I never knew this was for real.
RT @USRealityCheck@twitter.com
You can now buy a bobblehead of Dr. Fauci The National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum has made a bobblehead of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert. http://twib.in/l/944o567EMoGE #Video #USRC
RT @USRealityCheck@twitter.com
The former FBI director says he thinks the President had criminal intent to commit obstruction of justice during Mueller's investigation Former FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that "it sure looks like" President Donald Trump had cr... https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/09/politics/comey-trump-criminal-intent-obstruction/index.html #USNews #USRC
Why the orange haired lunatic should leave. Look here, boy!!!!
RT @USRealityCheck@twitter.com
A Muslim congresswoman says a tweet by Mr Trump has led to an increase in threats against her life. http://twib.in/l/qjLXX46dEXMB #BBC-#USRC
seems that with El Chapo, anything goes.
RT @USRealityCheck@twitter.com
'El Chapo' allegedly had sex with underage girls, called them his 'vitamins,' records show Accused drug lord Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán allegedly had sex with girls as young as 13, called them 'vitamins,' newly disclosed court records show http://twib.in/l/4MBGqxooadGE #USRC