“Children who learn from textbooks that teach these ideas grow up to be adults who vote, hold office, and make public policy.” In this article #FromTheArchives, Rachel Tabacknick highlights how Christian nationalists are attacking public education in the U.S. to further their agenda. Learn more at [https://bit.ly/FTAFromSchoolhouseToStatehouse]
#fromthearchives #ChristianRight #farright #usright
Anti-LGBTQ advocacy led by the Christian Right is woven into nearly every sector of the contemporary U.S. Right. The effects of this has tangible impacts on the lives of LGBTQ people across the U.S., motivating discrimination, physical assault, and homicide. To gain a deeper understanding of who is behind modern anti-LGBTQ advocacy and what tactics they employ, we recommend checking out PRA's 101 on Anti-LGBTQ Organizing at https://bit.ly/PRA101AntiLGBTQOrganizing #AntiLGBTQ #ChristianRight #farRight #USRight
#antilgbtq #ChristianRight #farright #usright