76 new U.S. citizens from 32 countries will be honored during a special Independence Day naturalization ceremony aboard the USS Hornet on June 30.
#uscis #alameda #ceremony #UsCitizen #UssHornet #citizenship #DistrictCourt #naturalization
#uscis #alameda #ceremony #uscitizen #usshornet #citizenship #districtcourt #naturalization
Four #Lotus #Evora GTs against the #SanFrancisco skyline, taken at the #USSHornet site.
#lotus #evora #sanfrancisco #usshornet
Celebrate Memorial Day this Monday on the USS Hornet with music, inspiration, and a flyover. Alternatively, head over to Mountain View Cemetery for a special program, wreath ceremony, and tour with Dennis Evanosky.
#alameda #holiday #UssHornet #MemorialDay #MountainViewCemetery
#alameda #holiday #usshornet #memorialday #mountainviewcemetery
City Council is set to negotiate four property leases at Alameda Point, including two hanger leases and two leases at berthing space on a pier. Richard Bangert introduces the renters: a pesticide-delivery drone company, a medical device maker, the San Francisco Bay Ferry, and the USS Hornet Museum.
#weta #ferry #alameda #UssHornet #CityCouncil #environment #AlamedaPoint
#weta #ferry #alameda #usshornet #citycouncil #environment #alamedapoint
Mayor Ashcraft reviews promising economic development, environmental efforts, new local businesses, and more in her State of the City address. Karin K. Jensen covers the encouraging event as we celebrate progress for Alameda.
#AFD #AMP #APD #ARPD #Alameda #USSHornet #Homelessness #VillageOfLove #DignityVillage #HousingElement #WarmingShelter #AlamedaFoodBank #AffordableHousing #DecarbonizationPlan #GuaranteedBasicIncome #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#afd #amp #apd #arpd #alameda #usshornet #homelessness #villageoflove #dignityvillage #housingelement #warmingshelter #alamedafoodbank #affordablehousing #decarbonizationplan #guaranteedbasicincome #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
Photos by Maurice Ramirez from the State of the City 2023 event held Thursday, March 30, 2023 aboard the USS Hornet, hosted by the Alameda Chamber and Economic Alliance.
#Alameda #MiaBonta #USSHornet #JenniferOtt #MadlenSaddik #CityOfAlameda #StateOfTheCity #MarilynEzzyAshcraft #AlamedaChamberAndEconomicAlliance
#alameda #miabonta #usshornet #jenniferott #madlensaddik #cityofalameda #stateofthecity #marilynezzyashcraft #alamedachamberandeconomicalliance
Cosplayers and history enthusiasts gathered on the USS Hornet for CarrierCon, a unique event celebrating cosplay, tabletop gaming, and pop culture while showcasing the ship's storied past. Tony Hicks of Bay City News says the convention offered attendees the chance to explore the WWII warship and immerse themselves in a blend of history, gaming, and imaginative worlds.
#Anime #Alameda #Cosplay #USSHornet #CarrierCon #Convention #ScienceFiction
#anime #alameda #cosplay #usshornet #carriercon #Convention #sciencefiction
#USSHornet #AirCraftCarrier #USNavy
Here's where you can find more information about the USS Hornet:
#usshornet #aircraftcarrier #usnavy