UCL Sociology Network · @UCLSociology
648 followers · 515 posts · Server sciences.social

RT @USSbriefs
Interim joint statement by + @ucu

'The latest info provided by the USS Trustee suggests that the forthcoming 2023 valuation is likely to reveal a high probability of being able to improve benefits + reduce contributions' universitiesuk.ac.uk/latest/ne

#uuk #ussmess #ucurising

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael J. Proulx · @MichaelProulx
168 followers · 116 posts · Server techhub.social

RT @cupofassam
I want to emphasise the scale of the cuts to the USS pension (broadly the pension scheme for the ‘pre-92’ University sector) and why this is key to the current dispute with employers. This is going to take a couple of threads. This first thread is on the cuts.

#ussmess #ucuRISING

Last updated 2 years ago