Uh huh. #SecretService #USSS https://twitter.com/lindyli/status/1676462065563598849?s=46&t=uXlgJDeLKXR7gDxjuoF3dA
#USSS wtf? A civilian your watching has boxes of national security documents stached in an unsecure manner in a club . A club where you caught a #chinese spy with a thumb drive and you didn’t call every three letter organization? CIA , FBI , DOD , NSA, local PD ?
I’m starting to think the USSS needs to be investigated? Use the energy you use to go after a $20 counterfeiter.
@JoshuaHolland Why did Trump think he had support from the #military to overthrow the #government, republic and #Constitution?
Why does the #January6Committee Report give a pass to #Federalistsociety #FBI #ChristopherWray #USSS #JamesMurray #DOD #Trump pick #ChristopherMiller #RyanMcCarthy #CharlesFlynn #WalterPiatt? They did nothing before #January6 when they were open calls for Civil War, besides the Intel.
Gen #MarkMilley testified “everyone knew” #Jan6 would be violent
#JAN6 #markmilley #January6 #walterpiatt #CharlesFlynn #ryanmccarthy #ChristopherMiller #Trump #dod #jamesmurray #usss #christopherwray #fbi #federalistsociety #january6committee #constitution #government #military
@Bullix @pygmyduck The decision makers failed to defend the Capitol and only stood up for the Constitution after the Republic didn't fall on #January6.
Whether the failings were due to incompetence or treason, the agency heads of #FBI, #DOJ, #DHS, #USSS and #DoD should've all resigned or been fired, immediately.
It was an attempt to overthrow the government, and everyone and their mother knew #Trump and fans wanted #CivilWar
#civilwar #Trump #dod #usss #dhs #doj #fbi #January6
@sethcotlar #RayEpps should be investgated, but there may be nothing there.
More consequential; #January6Committee was charged by law with fully investigating the #January6 events and causes, but glibly gave a pass to #FederalistSociety #FBI Dir #ChristopherWray #USSS head #JamesMurray and #Trump Acting Sec Def #ChristopherMiller who did nada before and on #J6.
#MarkMilley said there was concern there'd a be a coup; who did #DonaldTrump think he had support from, and why?
#donaldtrump #markmilley #J6 #ChristopherMiller #Trump #jamesmurray #usss #christopherwray #fbi #federalistsociety #January6 #january6committee #RayEpps
Secret Service knew of #NeoNazi violent plans to occupy the #Capitol:
"(December 29, 2020, email from PIOC-ONDUTY@USSS.DHS.GOV to THREATS@uscp.gov titled “FW: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] -
"Neo-Nazi Calls on D.C. Pro-Trump Protesters to Occupy Federal Building.”)."
Note 382, p. 164, Exec Summary #January6Committee Report https://january6th.house.gov #SecretService #JamesMurray traitor #USSS #January6 #January6th #January6thCommittee
#January6thCommittee #January6th #January6 #usss #jamesmurray #secretservice #january6committee #capitol #neonazi
"In the course of the Committee’s investigation, it received and reviewed a sig- nificant number of documents indicating that certain intelligence and law enforcement agencies understood that violence was possible or even likely on January 6th. The Committee received many of those materials from the U.S. Secret Service, but also from other agencies as well." Report, Appx 2, p. 726 https://january6th.house.gov #January6thCommittee #January6Committee #January6 #SecretService #USSS
#usss #secretservice #January6 #january6committee #January6thCommittee
I get to work with neat people who do interesting research.
#USSS asked the question:
What will the future of cyber-enabled financial crime, perpetrated by either criminals or nation states, look like 10 years from now?
You can download this report here: https://cyber.army.mil/Portals/3/Documents/Threatcasting/financial_crimes/The_Future_of_Cyber_Enabled_Financial_Crimes_v2.pdf?ver=2A-EBq0XataUbacdV_SlZQ%3d%3d
Other #Threatcasting reports here: https://cyber.army.mil/Work-Areas/Threatcasting/
Der US Secret Service #USSS hat viele Textnachrichten vom 6. Januar 2021 und vom Vortag gelöscht, nachdem der Generalinspekteur des #Heimatschutzministeriums sie angefordert hatte, so die Aufsichtsbehörde. Das Ministerium teilte mit, dass viele Textnachrichten des US Secret Service vom 5. und 6. Januar 2021 im Rahmen eines Geräteaustauschprogramms gelöscht wurden. Der Secret Service wies jede Andeutung eines Fehlverhaltens zurück.
#heimatschutzministeriums #usss
Der Secret Service #USSS sagte am Montag, er sei sich eines möglichen Hacks eines #iCloud-Kontos von Hunter #Biden, dem Sohn von Präsident Joe Biden, "bewusst", nachdem einige seiner angeblichen Inhalte im Online-Forum #4chan gepostet wurden. Einige dieser Informationen tauchten bereits erstmals im Vorfeld der Wahl 2020 auf.