Apple’s Beats schließt größten Deal mit 15 College-Athleten
Die bekannte Marke "Beats by Dre" von Apple hat einen bedeutenden Schritt in der Zusammenarbeit mit College-Athleten getan. Die jüngste Investition ist ihre bis
#Music #News #Zubehr #AminahCharles #Apple #BeatsByDre #CalebWilliams #CollegeAthleten #GaQuincyKoolAidMcKinstry #Marketingkampagnen #NIL #QuinnEwers #USSupremeCourt
#music #News #zubehr #aminahcharles #Apple #beatsbydre #calebwilliams #collegeathleten #gaquincykoolaidmckinstry #marketingkampagnen #nil #quinnewers #ussupremecourt
Whatever happened to leaving it up to the states?
#abortion #abortionrights #abortionishealthcare #healthcare #usa #ussupremecourt #texas #medicine #genderequity #genderequality #women #civilrights #humanrights #pregnancy
#abortion #abortionrights #abortionishealthcare #healthcare #usa #ussupremecourt #texas #medicine #genderequity #genderequality #women #civilrights #HumanRights #pregnancy
In the 3rd part of this 3-part series on the #SupremeCourt, I talk about the recent reports of ethical violations by four of the Justices, & three actions you can do to help fix this situation.
#news #politics #USSupremeCourt #SCOTUS #ethics #SupremeCourtEthics
#ClarenceThomas #HarlanCrow #LeonardLeo #GinniThomas #SamuelAlito #PaulSinger #RobinArkley #NeilGorsuch #BrianDuffy #JohnRoberts #JaneRoberts #BrettKavanaugh
#brettkavanaugh #janeroberts #johnroberts #brianduffy #neilgorsuch #robinarkley #paulsinger #samuelalito #ginnithomas #leonardleo #harlancrow #clarencethomas #supremecourtethics #ethics #scotus #ussupremecourt #politics #news #supremecourt
There has been a lot of #news about the #USSupremeCourt. I wrote so much so that it fit into 3 explainer videos about the #SupremeCourt. In Part 1: I talk about the recent decisions.
#SCOTUS #supremecourtdecision #politics #studentdebtrelief #LGBTQ #LGBTQdiscrimination #AffirmativeAction #freedomofreligion #freedomofspeech #history #ushistory #stalking #freespeech #navajonation #waterrights #EPA #EnvironmentalProtectionAgency #CleanWaterAct #video #videoessay #youtube
#youtube #videoessay #video #cleanwateract #environmentalprotectionagency #epa #waterrights #navajonation #freespeech #stalking #ushistory #history #freedomofspeech #freedomofreligion #affirmativeaction #lgbtqdiscrimination #lgbtq #studentdebtrelief #politics #supremecourtdecision #scotus #supremecourt #ussupremecourt #news
Charlie Kirk Is Wrong About Affirmative Action
We look at what Charlie Kirk and the supreme court gets wrong about affirmative action. It doesn't help unqual
#AffirmativeAction #CharlieKirk #ChildAbuse #CollegeAdmissions #ReligiousExemption #SocialJustice #StudentsForFairAdmissionsIncVPresidentFellowsOfHarvardCollege #StudentsForFairAdmissionsIncVUniversityOfNorthCarolina #USSupremeCourt
#ussupremecourt #studentsforfairadmissionsincvuniversityofnorthcarolina #studentsforfairadmissionsincvpresidentfellowsofharvardcollege #socialjustice #religiousexemption #collegeadmissions #childabuse #charliekirk #affirmativeaction
There was a lot of #news about the #USSupremeCourt. I wrote so much so that it fit into 3 explainer videos about the #SupremeCourt.
In Part 1: I talk about the recent decisions.
#SCOTUS #supremecourtdecision #politics #studentdebtrelief #LGBTQ #LGBTQdiscrimination #AffirmativeAction #freedomofreligion #freedomofspeech #history #ushistory #stalking #freespeech #navajonation #waterrights #EPA #EnvironmentalProtectionAgency #CleanWaterAct #video #videoessay #youtube
#youtube #videoessay #video #cleanwateract #environmentalprotectionagency #epa #waterrights #navajonation #freespeech #stalking #ushistory #history #freedomofspeech #freedomofreligion #affirmativeaction #lgbtqdiscrimination #lgbtq #studentdebtrelief #politics #supremecourtdecision #scotus #supremecourt #ussupremecourt #news
Pink News: Christian bakers’ same-sex wedding cake case to return to the Supreme Court #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #Same-sexwedding #USSupremeCourt #weddingcake #News #Law #US
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #same #ussupremecourt #weddingcake #news #law #us
"In the wake of the #USSupremeCourt decision that weakened the #EPA’s capacity to protect wetlands, we explore the role of wetlands in sustainability, #biodiversity, and the economy. What might the decision mean for our environment, and economy? We examine #SackettVsEPA, in a broader context what this means for the implementation of the #CleanWaterAct, what it means specifically for #wetlands."
#ussupremecourt #epa #biodiversity #sackettvsepa #cleanwateract #wetlands #scotus #wetlandsprotection
Looks like the #USSupremeCourt might have (accidentally) undermined an elite privilege;
a new challenge to #Harvard's 'legacy' admission cites the recent judgement striking down #affirmativeaction:
''a benefit provided to some applicants but not to others necessarily advantages the former group at the expense of the latter'.
Looks like some #IvyLeague parents may rue the day the USSC moved on #black admissions, as now admitting rich idiots looks vulnerable to legal challenge.
#ussupremecourt #harvard #affirmativeaction #ivyleague #black
Pink News: Ben Platt and fiancé Noah Galvin slam Supreme Court’s ‘backwards’ anti-LGBTQ+ ruling #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #USSupremeCourt #noahgalvin #Celebrity #Politics #BenPlatt #Culture
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #ussupremecourt #noahgalvin #celebrity #politics #benplatt #Culture
Pink News: Michael Imperioli bans ‘bigots and homophobes’ from watching his shows after anti-LGBTQ+ ruling #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #USSupremeCourt #TheWhiteLotus #Celebrity #celebrity #Politics #Culture
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #ussupremecourt #thewhitelotus #celebrity #politics #Culture
The Supreme Court’s worst new ruling you never heard of
Standing to bring cases
Robert Reich @rbreich Jul 3
One ruling hidden inside one of the Supreme Court’s horrendous decisions last week hasn’t got nearly the attention it deserves: the court’s radical expansion of who has standing to bring cases before the court.
#education #studentloan #ussupremecourt
Kopierte Liedtexte: Freie Fahrt für Google
Google zeigt Liedtexte, die von der Webseite kopiert wurden, ohne zu fragen. Kismet, sagen US-Gerichte.
#Bereicherung #Datenbanken #Genius #Google #Immaterialgüter #Immaterialgüterrecht #Kanada #Libretti #Libretto #Liedtexte #LyricFind #Lyrics #Recht #Songtexte #Suchmaschine #Traffic #USSupremeCourt #USA #Urheberrecht #Urteil #Vertragsbruch #Wettbewerb #suigenerisRechtfürDatenbanken (...)
#verpasstodon #bereicherung #datenbanken #genius #google #immaterialguter #immaterialguterrecht #kanada #libretti #libretto #liedtexte #lyricfind #lyrics #recht #songtexte #suchmaschine #traffic #ussupremecourt #usa #urheberrecht #urteil #vertragsbruch #wettbewerb #suigenerisrechtfurdatenbanken
Joe Biden lays out new student debt relief plan after supreme court ruling #USstudentfinance #USsupremecourt #USstudentdebt #JoeBiden #USnews
#usstudentfinance #ussupremecourt #usstudentdebt #joebiden #usnews
Supreme court leaves intact Mississippi law disenfranchising Black voters #USsupremecourt #USvotingrights #Mississippi #USnews #Race
#ussupremecourt #usvotingrights #mississippi #usnews #race
An expert on the US Supreme Court tries to make sense of today's student loan decision.
' The Supreme Court’s decision in Nebraska is not rooted in law, and it barely even attempts to resemble a legal decision. The Court overrules both elected branches. It rewrites a federal law. And it roots its decision in a fake legal doctrine with no basis in any actual legal text. '
#SCOTUS #USSupremeCourt #MajorIssuesesmmDoctrine #BidenVNebraska #StudentLoans #LoanForgiveness
#loanforgiveness #studentloans #bidenvnebraska #majorissuesesmmdoctrine #ussupremecourt #scotus
My level of outrage today is off the charts. And I cannot understand why we ARE NOT HITTING THE STREETS.
6 justices just earned themselves some pretty nice all expenses paid trips for this holiday weekend.
#ussupremecourt #corruptjustices
Zurück zur Qualifikation: Die Absurdität der Gruppenbevorzugung hat in den USA ein Ende – Mediendeutschland weint #STUDENTSFORFAIRADMISSIONS #positiveDiskriminierung #Professorinnenprogramm #Gruppenbevorzugung #affirmativeaction #USSupremeCourt #Gerechtigkeit #ThomasSowell #Sozialismus #Gleichheit #Ideologie #Wahnsinn
#wahnsinn #ideologie #gleichheit #sozialismus #thomassowell #gerechtigkeit #ussupremecourt #affirmativeaction #gruppenbevorzugung #professorinnenprogramm #positivediskriminierung #studentsforfairadmissions
Reading reports about rulings from the #USSupremeCourt that affect #LGBTQ rights, along with how the #RepublicanParty attacks and victimizes #Trans 🏳️⚧️ people, I don't see how this country can claim to respect equality with any real integrity or honesty.
Add to that rulings and legislation affecting #WomensRights and it's just a 💩-show. 🤢
#ussupremecourt #lgbtq #republicanparty #trans #womensrights