In a more just world, this would be the 50th anniversary of Roe v Wade | Moira Donegan
#UsPoliticsMEWS #UsSupremeCourtMEWS #AbortionMEWS
Until last year, Roe made it more possible for women’s lives to be determined by their choices, not merely by their bodiesIf the supreme court hadn’t overturned it last June, undoing a longstanding precedent and inflicting untold harm to wome...
#uspoliticsmews #ussupremecourtmews #abortionmews
‘I hope this triggers outrage’: surprise Brett Kavanaugh documentary premieres at Sundance
#Sundance2023MEWS #SundanceFilmFestivalMEWS #FestivalsMEWS #CultureMEWS #FilmMEWS #BrettKavanaughMEWS #UsSupremeCourtMEWS
Covertly-made Justice, from director Doug Liman, shows to sold-out audience and shines new light on allegations of sexual assaultA secretly made documentary expanding o...
#sundance2023mews #sundancefilmfestivalmews #festivalsmews #culturemews #filmmews #brettkavanaughmews #ussupremecourtmews