Are you kidding me? What five complete morons voted against this bill?
Same characters. Different decade, different drug.
Nothing new. And zero fucks left.
As if poverty only plagues the American black community.
#opiatecrisis #narcans #usualsuspects #blacks #crack #blm #ghetto
#ghetto #BLM #crack #blacks #usualsuspects #narcans #opiatecrisis
That’s one half of the equation:
City’s Rising Crime Rate Attributed to Increase in Guns in Communities, Says Outgoing #WashingtonDC Police Chief.
The other half: people behind the guns, committing majority of the crimes.
#thugs #usualsuspects #washingtondc
@vieveca il me semble que Blast consacre aussi une émission à l'affaire, à vérifier #usualsuspects
When keepin’ it reelz go wrong!
Simone Kim from #Texas got dragged off of a plane like an animal.
#ghetto #usualsuspects #flyingmenace
#flyingmenace #usualsuspects #ghetto #texas
Rolling gun battle in the city streets of Washington DC!
#ghetto #usualsuspects #wakanda kiss a Lib!
#wakanda #usualsuspects #ghetto
Yeah I just used Keyser Söze and croutons in a sentence.
"Hey, where did all the croutons go? Like I made a whole bowl of them last night, no one ate them and now they've done a Keyser Söze, up and vanished like a fart in the wind."
A: the teenager ate them. "Wut, they're like crackers." arms akimbo like "what, are you abnormal or something?"
#teenagers #kidsthesedays #usualsuspects
Watcha gonna do Agent Kujan?
#usualsuspects #kidsthesedays #teenagers
The light was dreadful but the #UsualSuspects came out to play in the #woodland at #WWT #CastleEspie today: a very vocal #bluetit and a lovely female #bullfinch.
Shot on #canon, rescued in #TopazLabs #DenoiseAI and processed in #AffinityPhoto.
#nature #NaturePhotography #wildlife #bird #birds #passerine #countydown #northernireland
#usualsuspects #woodland #wwt #castleespie #bluetit #bullfinch #canon #topazlabs #denoiseai #affinityphoto #nature #naturephotography #wildlife #bird #birds #passerine #countydown #northernireland
#animalhouse #ce3k #usualsuspects #primer #tokyostormwarning (the lyrics) #fearandloathinginlasvegas #MrWolf #buckaroobanzai #flashgordon #ianfleming #LawrenceOfArabia #ApocalypseNow and other obvious dude canon. When I post song lyrics, I have 3 glasses of wine in me.
#mrwolf #flashgordon #ianfleming #apocalypsenow #animalhouse #CE3K #usualsuspects #buckaroobanzai #LawrenceOfArabia #primer #tokyostormwarning #fearandloathinginlasvegas
#Post_Brexit #farm subsidies in #England revealed
New #farming subsidies regime could be great for #nature– if properly funded. Even greater for #agribarons #FatCats, #ToryDonors, former #polluters, …and all the #UsualSuspects
#usualsuspects #polluters #torydonors #fatcats #agribarons #nature #farming #england #farm #post_brexit
#WisconsinLandscape #usualSuspects
A vet resting beneath the yews...
#wisconsinlandscape #usualsuspects
John Mastodon was Keyser Söze this whole time
#JohnMastodon #KeyserSoze #UsualSuspects
#HashTagGames @hashtaggames
#hashtaggames #usualsuspects #keysersoze #johnmastodon #otherthingsjohnmastodondid
RT #TheUnrejected #UsualSuspects at Wallingford
🐦🔗: #TheUnrejected #UsualSuspects at Wallingford
"Micro$oft Monday" is here again @ Mastodon !
Please chime in you people who've experienced THE HORROR, the cancer of Windows 10! ☢️ ☢️ ☢️
M$ jokes / switch to Linux stories after going through 9 circles ov Hell :perfect:
Helped other people towards Freedom and The Light Side? Sharing is caring and monday can be more funday 🐧
#deleteWindows #MicrosoftMonday #JokesOnMicrosoft #Windows10 #OhTheHorror #AbsolutelyProprietary #WhereIsStallman #Spydows #UsualSuspects
#deletewindows #microsoftmonday #jokesonmicrosoft #windows10 #ohthehorror #absolutelyproprietary #whereisstallman #spydows #usualsuspects