Thinking about the distance between #usury - taking of unsustainable monetary interest, or perhaps any at all - and #usufruct - enjoying the fruits of ownership without the right to damage or destroy.
Prompted while #reading Poverty By America by Matthew Desmond, and also thinking of The Dawn of Everything by The Davids, who all highlight the way in which our society views usufruct rights as diminished or useless, to own something is instead to be able to destroy it.
I've been listening to Srsly Wrong and I'm really excited by the idea of #usufruct .
The latest episode of Srsly Wrong outlines two big ideas from Library Socialism: the universal library and the usufruct system.
#LibrarySocialism #universallibrary #usufruct #SrslyWrong
Murray #Bookchin had was a radical ecologist, political thinker, and philosopher who had a pretty significant effect on my outlook. We don't idolize him or anyone; but i think his overall analysis of the ecological-social crisis and his vision of a society based on #usufruct #complementarity and the #irreducibleminimum is very worth reading.
his writing can be dense, so consider Janet Biehl's contribution:
#Bookchin #usufruct #complementarity #irreducibleminimum #socialecology #Communalism #ecology #municipalism