M. Grégoire · @mpjgregoire
86 followers · 916 posts · Server cosocial.ca

@evan Serious answer:

In general, one ought to choose the lesser evil, but it may occur that all choices are so gravely wrong that they are disqualified; it would be unethical to choose any one of them.

For instance, if I have 3 candidates, one promising to seize the Alaskan panhandle; another to annex the Danish half of Hans Island; and the third to conquer the Turks and Caicos — then I ought to spoil my ballot.

This is ultimately a question of the limits of ethics.

#utilitarian #lesserevil

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary Barker · @garybarker
287 followers · 543 posts · Server sfba.social
Gary Barker · @garybarker
275 followers · 533 posts · Server sfba.social

“Brutalism Friday”

“The Bierpinsel”, or Beer Brush, a 47-metre tall brutalist tower on the Schloßstraße in Berlin Steglitz, was built between 1972 and 1976 by the architects Ralf Schüler and Ursulina Schüler-Witte.  The distinctive form was inspired by the silhouette of a tree.


#socmod #socialistmodernism #utilitarian #socheritage #brutalismfriday #brutalism #brutalisticarchitecture #architecture #architecturalphotography

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary Barker · @garybarker
273 followers · 511 posts · Server sfba.social

“Brutalism Friday”

“Historical-Ethnographic Museum”, Osh, Kyrgyzstan; 1978; architect: K. Nazirov.

The National Historical and Archaeological Museum Complex Sulayman is a museum in Osh, Kyrgyzstan was established in 1949. The present museum building was completed during the Soviet era in 1978 to celebrate the 3,000th anniversary of the city of Osh.


#socialistmodernism #utilitarian #brutalismfriday #brutalism #brutalisticarchitecture #architecture #architecturalphotography

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary Barker · @garybarker
268 followers · 507 posts · Server sfba.social
Gary Barker · @garybarker
265 followers · 488 posts · Server sfba.social
Gary Barker · @garybarker
248 followers · 454 posts · Server sfba.social

“Brutalism Friday”

“Fountain to José Martí”, a figurehead of Cuban independence, and the revolutionary leader Abel Santamaría, Santiago de Cuba.
photography by Matthew Connors


#socmod #socialistmodernism #utilitarian #socheritage #brutalismfriday #brutalism #brutalisticarchitecture #architecture #architecturalphotography

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolfeh · @wolfeh
133 followers · 507 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I don't use a kickstand, but the amount of hate that people get over at 's /r/bicycling when people ask about kickstands is ridiculous.

"i PaID a MiLlIoN dOlLaRs FoR a BiKe ThAt Is OnE oUnCe LiGhTeR aNd NoW yOu hAvE tHe AuDaCiTy To AdD wEiGhT tO YoUr BiKe To MaKe It MoRe PrAcTiCaL???!!1!? I hAtE yOu NoW!!!!!1! ZOMG"

#reddit #bike #BikeTooter #bicycling #kickstands #rant #snooty #exclusion #exclusionary #kickstand #practicality #utility #utilitarian

Last updated 2 years ago

tripu · @tripu
194 followers · 1622 posts · Server qoto.org

I identify as a and a (negative) , I suspect that existence is probably not worth it because of the asymmetry of , and yet I have no intention of ending my own life (and I think that’s rational). Why?

When we’re we don’t really understand what suffering is, and we don’t even know that living is a choice. So we live.

and young adults famously tend to get closer to one of two poles: either they’re disappointed, miserable, or lost (some of those do end their lives), or they are having a great time: they’re at their prime, disease and pain are unknown to them, they discover pleasures, etc (those are happy to live).

We are usually so entangled in relationships by this stage of life that even if/when we decided that non-existence beat existence for us, we wouldn’t want to cause more suffering to those who love us and those who depend on us. So we (usually) live.

#consequentialist #utilitarian #qualia #children #teens #adults

Last updated 2 years ago

Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
30 followers · 228 posts · Server universeodon.com

A of the in , , which the and to . The was intended to be as much a work of as a object. To grace the entrance of the bridge, prominent local citizen Dr. Andrew commissioned the of , to recreate the famous in the in , . These incredible eventually gave the bridge its name.
The bridge had to be restored in 2006, and the were removed for their protection, and replaced in 2011.

#photograph #bridgeoflions #staugustine #florida #bridges #matanzasriver #intracoastalwaterway #anastasiaisland #bridge #art #utilitarian #anderson #romanellistudios #florence #italy #medicilion #statues #royalpalace #madrid #Spain #artworks #lions

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Rebecca Rooney · @girls_can
490 followers · 572 posts · Server qoto.org

@ColbyDigsSoil great example of the side of the progressive era in ! This depresses me somewhat - that we’ve known our and even our survival depends on the state of the environment, but we’re still subsidizing and companies like they’re a public good. We’re still waffling over .

#conservation #oil #mining #climatechange #utilitarian #economy

Last updated 2 years ago

· @dynamic
216 followers · 602 posts · Server social.coop

On one hand, Vimes is clearly portrayed as a *good* person for making the choice to use his limited income to support others. Perhaps Pratchett is throwing some support behind here.

On the other hand, this story could very easily be used to set up a critique of mutual aid.

An fanatic might note that if Vimes invested in good boots, he would have even more money available to support others.

#anarchism #libertarian #utilitarian #effectivealtruism

Last updated 2 years ago

Iain Sarjeant · @iainsarjeant
449 followers · 177 posts · Server toot.community

I'm drawn to industrial estates... places which are seldom recorded. Private, secure spaces where I find myself wondering about their use. I love the mix of architectural styles... functional, utilitarian, but visually fascinating in their variety of shapes, textures & colours...

#photography #place #mundane #everyday #utilitarian #industrial

Last updated 2 years ago

The Lifeboat Station Project · @lsp
81 followers · 13 posts · Server toot.community

Proud as punch to be one of Megan McGurk’s guests in ‘Heroes of the Mersey’, the latest episode of the National Museums Podcast.

We covered a lot including:

, , , beauty in the , , the , the , and .

Have a listen (Megan introduces me around the 12m05s mark):


#liverpool #selflessness #Courage #community #utilitarian #environment #climatecrisis #economiccrisis #necessity #kindness #LifeboatStationProject #RNLI #mersey #maritime #museum #photography #podcast

Last updated 2 years ago

The Lifeboat Station Project · @lsp
81 followers · 13 posts · Server toot.community

Proud as punch to have been one of Megan McGurk’s guests in ‘Heroes of the Mersey’, the latest episode of the National Museums Liverpool Podcast.

We covered a lot including:

, , , beauty in the , , the , the , and .

Have a listen (Megan introduces me around the 12m05s mark):


#selflessness #Courage #community #utilitarian #environment #climatecrisis #economiccrisis #necessity #kindness #LifeboatStationProject #RNLI #liverpool #mersey #maritime #podcast

Last updated 2 years ago

The Lifeboat Station Project · @lsp
81 followers · 13 posts · Server toot.community

Proud as punch to have been one of Megan McGurk’s guests in ‘Heroes of the Mersey’, the latest episode of the National Museums Liverpool Podcast.

We covered a lot including:

, , , farewells, beauty in the , , the , the , and .

Have a listen (Megan introduces me around the 12m05s mark):


#selflessness #Courage #community #utilitarian #environment #climatecrisis #economiccrisis #necessity #kindness #LifeboatStationProject #RNLI #liverpool #mersey #maritime

Last updated 2 years ago

Itamar Medeiros · @designative
230 followers · 747 posts · Server mastodon.social

Those with more active reading habits will want their and to be within reach or displayed within sight, but most shelves and serve only one or the other. This side table can do both, and it puts your materials on a pedestal designed to be both yet also appealing in a certain brutalist


#books #magazines #coffeetables #reading #utilitarian #fashion #furniture #design #industrialdesign #interiordecoration

Last updated 2 years ago

Kai Chang · @VancityKai
30 followers · 63 posts · Server toot.community

It's true that any will be controlled by some form of , whether orderly civic institutions or Mad Max gangster law. But the degree to which that authority is democratic, benign, fascist, or malignant can certainly vary greatly.

I would take a definition of what constitutes : an institution is democratic to the degree that its decision-making reflects the will of the most stakeholders most affected by those decisions.

#publicSquare #authority #utilitarian #democratic #mastodon #federation

Last updated 2 years ago

Kai Chang · @VancityKai
30 followers · 63 posts · Server toot.community

t's true that any will be controlled by some form of , whether orderly civic institutions or Mad Max gangster law. But the degree to which that authority is democratic, benign, fascist, or malignant can certainly vary greatly.

I would take a definition of what constitutes : an institution is democratic to the degree that its decision-making reflects the will of the most stakeholders most affected by those decisions.

#publicSquare #authority #utilitarian #democratic #mastodon #federation

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Byrd · @ByrdNick
391 followers · 79 posts · Server nerdculture.de

words were used less by bilinguals that read and wrote about whether to sacrifice someone to save lives (on footbridge ) in their ().

Using their 2nd also led to more decisions and arguments—an effect mediated by using (fewer) high-arousal words.

Support for claims that can promote thinking?


#emotion #spanish #trolleyproblem #secondlanguage #english #language #utilitarian #moral #dualprocesstheory #deontological #ethical #xPhi #decisionscience #socialpsychology

Last updated 2 years ago