Další bitka na nože mezi Ukrajinci a Romy, jeden pobodaný. V Pardubicích se koná demonstrace Romů
#romove #ukrajinci #utok #demonstrace https://t.co/JbL4WzOcZc
#romove #ukrajinci #utok #demonstrace
Ukrajinci útočí na Rusko. Rakety dopadly do Brjanské oblasti. #utok #Ukrajina
Více: https://echo24.cz/a/HVgv7/zpravy-svet-valka-na-ukrajine-ukrajinske-rakety-brjanska-oblast-rusko
Ukrajinci chtěli udeřit v hloubi Ruska „vším, co mají“. Odradili je Američani. #Budanov #Ukrajina #utok
Více: https://echo24.cz/a/Hj8uN/zpravy-svet-ukrajina-planovala-utok-uvnitr-ruska
Může se útok ze Smíchova opakovat? Němci volají po zónách bez nožů. #utok #nuz
Více: https://echo24.cz/a/HcwsS/zpravy-svet-dost-bylo-utok-nozem-nemci-volaji-po-vice-zon-bez-nozu
#KarelČapek #Masaryk
Válku nedělá věda, ale lidé, lidská nedokonalost, lidé vědu ještě nedosti uznávající; kdyby se svět víc řídil poznáním a pravdou, bylo by těch válek míň, ba nemusely by být vůbec. Pro obranu se vědy užívá právem a správně; ale pěstovat vědu pro násilí, pro válčení agresívní, je zločin.
...právě proto jen stát poctivě a vytrvale o to poznání, o pravdu!
A pravda vítězí.
#karelcapek #Masaryk #poznani #veda #obrana #utok #valka #mir
‘Using a time compression device, to help comprehend the ACTUAL #cosmic time spectrum we are a part of, imagine the #BigBang occurred 13yrs ago…
Earth would have come into existence 5yrs ago.
the meteorite that killed the Dinosaurs off would have hit 3wks ago.
the first Apes, that walked upright, 3 days ago.
the first Homo Sapiens, 53mins ago.
modern Industrial Society, 6secs ago.’ #CynthiaStokesBrown
#BigHistory #UTOK #NaturalIntelligence #Ecology #cosmology #complexity #foresight #Earth
#Earth #foresight #complexity #cosmology #ecology #NaturalIntelligence #utok #BigHistory #cynthiastokesbrown #bigbang #cosmic
@DanaBlankenhorn & it's an unresolved, unsatisfactory paradigm -gaping hole- that I see some combination of indigenous knowledge knowledge + cultural story systems, along w/ the #UTOK approach to the sciences, as offering new foundations for finally achieving those alternative perspectives Nietzsche foresaw the need for -& o/c he wasn't the only one who saw that such a primal human need/desire for deeper meaning would have to be fulfilled.
@PIK_climate Indeed. People in the position of really knowing & crafting the calls to action are failing in their motivational quest thru pure linguistics alone.
Not #ClimateCrisis > #PlanetaryCrisis.
Even #LifeasUsualCrisis.
Not #HumanRights > #HumanExtinction.
Imperative to translate #science into mainstream values + vice versa…w/ goal of xforming mainstream values. #UTOK #SystemsChange #SystemicChange #sciencecomms
#sciencecomms #systemicchange #SystemsChange #utok #Science #humanextinction #HumanRights #lifeasusualcrisis #PlanetaryCrisis #ClimateCrisis
Johan Rockstrom's #HorizonScan @2023Davos
"We urgently need science-based targets fr all planetary boundaries to avoid cascading impacts of interconnected tip'g elements.
We've entered the realm of additionality...little room for offsetting, everything needs to:
1) scale rapidly-exponentially &
2) occur simultaneously...fossil fuels, agri, carbon removal.'
#JohanRockstrom/Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
#complexity #utok #wef #mgmt #Planet #johanrockstrom #horizonscan
'A novel idea to leave the country’s vast oil reserves in the ground fizzled for lack of int'l support.
Struggling under painful debt, the Ecuadorian govt expands drilling in #rainforest .'
Just so simple that if all, or at least 51% of, govts don't align with a shared truth & future vision then 100% of us will suffer gravely.
Seems so far away as global summits keep pushing air & papers around.
How will we ever manage our planet? #Davos #COP27 #WEF #UTOK #Amazon
#Amazon #wef #rainforest #utok #cop27 #Davos