The ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry (#iciberlin) will hold a symposium on "Coding #Utopias" on September 28-29, 2023.
🗓️Deadline for Registrations: September 13, 2023
📌Further Information: #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #Poetics
#iciberlin #utopias #fidavlnews #poetics
"It's not just in your head" podcast episode #144 "Everyday Utopia" about #utopias and the benefits living and raising children in communities:
We need #utopias. #Solarpunk imagines a green, economically just society emerging from a post-capitalist world.
A short blog article summarising my book on Alternative Societies #socialism #alternatives #utopias #pluralism
#socialism #alternatives #utopias #pluralism
Nuevo número del fanzine "un mundo mejor" sobre #utopías /mundos deseables/posibles y #ecologismo Hablan de la asamblea ciudadana para el clima española, #solarpunk relatos utópicos del número 44 de la revista por la soberanía alimentaria y más cosas
Lo puedes leer en:
#utopias #ecologismo #solarpunk
My article on 'Alternative Societies and Pluralist Socialism' has just been published in Renewal. There is an open-access version here: #socialism #alternatives #socialdemocracy #pluralism #utopias
#socialism #alternatives #socialdemocracy #pluralism #utopias
"Cybernetics is not about #control in the #authoritarian sense but about control in the sense of self-regulating and self-organizing, i.e. anti-authoritarian #systems."
As promised, I published a new article about #cybernetics and other #tools that can support #anarchist #utopias.
#control #authoritarian #systems #cybernetics #tools #Anarchist #utopias
'Building utopias from the bottom up'. A short article on alternative societies. #socialism #alternatives #utopias #pluralism
#socialism #alternatives #utopias #pluralism
My book Alternative Societies is out today! 50% off until 5 March with code POAC50 at #communism #utopias, #coops, #slow, #work, #eco-localism, #tech, #education, #communes #freeganism, #prison #democracy, community wealth building, #economies #alter-globalisation, pluralist #socialism, #alternatives
#communism #utopias #coops #slow #work #eco #tech #education #communes #Freeganism #prison #democracy #economies #alter #socialism #alternatives
Ah, que este es fin de semana largo. Pues nada, a descansar los que puedan.
Mojinos Escozios - Que bonito seria (La utopia)
#music #utopias
¿Las comunidades de vecinos del futuro podrían tener un servidor comunitario?
Si ya hay una antena comunitaria, un internet comunitario o energía comunitaria a través de las placas solares... ¿Por qué no un servidor comunitario?
Cada vecino con su contraseña, un técnico contratado para instalación y dudas, y hala, a disfrutar de las ventajas que ofrecen los #servidores
#servidores #predicciones #utopias
"Last of Us," and "War of the Worlds" use so many similar tropes. We happen to be alternating between them in the past few weeks.
Both are #alien invasion stories, one set of aliens is from Earth (#cordyceps) and the other from a distant star system. Both modify human neurology/DNA and alter behavior. Both have a young woman who's immune to the invasive depredations. Both involve the death of the vast majority of the human population. Both are well-done and thoughtful treatments of this material. And even though they are both terribly dark and apocalyptic, both use this well-worn theme to explore what's good about humanity.
I do wish we had more films and TV series that didn't succumb to the tempting narrative that humanity is #doomed.
Where are the stories that celebrate humans finding a way through our current troubles?
And I'm not talking about Star Trek.
#StarTrek is too easy. A mid 21st century nuclear war is hand-waved away as the catalyst that finally got humans to cooperate globally and establish contact with galactic civilization.
Bullshit x 1,000!
That's a calamity that in the Star Trek timeline is still looming ahead of us, and there's probably a 0.0001% chance that we'd survive such a calamity with any capacity for building spaceships or doing anything but savagely killing off the remaining survivors, as humans have always done.
If there is any hope for us, it's in the survival of our institutions. And above all the celebration of learning and accountability. Instead we're moving quickly in the opposite direction.
Two problems with cinematic apocalypses:
1) They distract from the reality that humans are their own worst enemy. We're far more likely to destroy ourselves than be conquered by aliens or fungus.
2) If we envision apocalyptic futures, that's what we expect and subconsciously it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Think of how much the general population recoils from any near-future portrayal of a good society.
Positive futures are cynically tarred by critics as "#utopias" meaning "no place" or "things that don't happen." Try to imagine a popular film or TV franchise where the robots are good and helpful, and don't have an agenda to secretly try to kill or manipulate you. Try to imagine one where governments and authorities are the good guys and we can trust them and we hold them accountable. Try to imagine actually solving climate change, cooling the Earth and replenishing the environment.
You can't.
Because those futures have been stolen from us. Not just by the #feudalists and #oligarchs, but also by the world's creative community. Who've signed on to every aspect of dystopia, rather than being truly bold to step out on a limb to show humanity fulfilling its positive potential.
We're drawn to stories about extreme #doom because we're scared of what we're actually facing in the real world. At least if we imagine a worst-case future apocalypse, we won't be disappointed by anything short of that.
#alien #cordyceps #doomed #startrek #utopias #feudalists #oligarchs #doom
En el futuro, los implantes humanos serán uno de los principales reclamos del mercado.
Se popularizará uno que viene a ser como "el monitor de recursos del cuerpo humano" con el que podrás observar tu peso, estatura, pulsaciones, so2, cantidad de calorías que ingieres...Y una IA te dirá qué hacer para mejorar o potenciar esos resultados.
No es tan utópico como creen.
Come see me talk about different ways of thinking about the city. 10 Jan at the Architectural Association. I promise it will be fun! #Architecture #LandscapeArchitecture #Urbanism #LandscapeResearch #Taste #Democracy #EverydayLife #Utopias
#utopias #everydaylife #democracy #taste #landscaperesearch #urbanism #landscapearchitecture #architecture
oh myyyy!!!
:pensive_party_blob: :ablobblewobble: :ablobcatrainbow:
And thank you. I was shy dressing up at first but got into it properly. I love it now!
Would you like to read my essay on #StarTrek and the need for utopic visions? 🤤
#SociologyOfStarTrek #MediaStudies #Sociology #Utopias #Dystopias
#dystopias #utopias #sociology #mediastudies #sociologyofstartrek #StarTrek
@SteveKLord Thank you for this. I'm interested in the incredibly wide variety of alternatives that are emerging all around the world - some of them are mentioned in the wonderful (and freely downloadable) book 'Pluriverse: A Post Development Dictionary'.
#Utopias #Pluriverse #CommunityEconomies #SustainableTransitions #Degrowth
#utopias #pluriverse #communityeconomies #sustainabletransitions #degrowth
@SteveKLord @PeterBronez My take on this draws from #history and #anthropology to state that markets (places/spaces where people exchange goods and services) have been around for thousands of years, so being #AntiCapitalist doesn't mean anti-markets. I also admire the sadly departed Erik Olin Wright's work on 'Envisioning Real #Utopias' and 'How To Be An Anticapitalist' and
#history #anthropology #anticapitalist #utopias
#konefoundation has granted a three-year grant to our new project: #Utopias from the #breadlines. We investigate the utopias of the people working with food aid now and in the future, as well as the people who need food aid.The project aims to renew the current social and scientific discussion about #FoodBanks and participates in the theoretical discussion about the social significance of imagining the #future and the methodical power of utopias.
#konefoundation #utopias #breadlines #foodbanks #future
@crybaby change instance. Join a #solarpunk instance. In here we dream about #utopias :)
@jankamensky Kamensky and I traveled all over Europe in 2022, each in our own way, to prepare the ground for a human centric change.
While Jan, as a #visual gardener, develops fantastic #utopias that do not require language and are therefore understandable without borders, I have given countless readings with my book and hopefully prepared the ground for #Autokorrektur to become a movement.
Starting in 2023, we establish a place for our ideas and the collaborations we want to spark:
#visual #utopias #autokorrektur #lutt