Salty hopper crystals! (There's a bit about this in #UtterlyJarvellous, even though it's a book for #primary 🙊 Who says you can't teach young minds cool things?) #education #scicomm #science #scienceeducation #scied #edchat
#utterlyjarvellous #primary #education #scicomm #science #scienceeducation #scied #edchat
Lots of fun today running a session at the post-16 STEM Club leadership event...using #UtterlyJarvellous activities and more! 🎉
When you suddenly realise you forgot to tell teachers on a CPD course about all the puns in #UtterlyJarvellous 🙈 #IHopeTheyLikeMyJokes #scicomm #science #education #PrimaryEdUK
#utterlyjarvellous #ihopetheylikemyjokes #scicomm #science #education #primaryeduk