#utwente: #TimeToToot, follow @utwente on #mastodon!
I like it, it's time to toot!
#utwente #timetotoot #Mastodon
Het ministerie van OCW heeft vanmiddag het wetsvoorstel internationalisering voor internetconsultatie gepubliceerd. Vind hier de concept wettekst en laat je horen voor de toekomst van het hoger onderwijs. 👇
#internationalisation #utwente
Our new annual report is now online! Visit https://jaarverslag.utwente.nl (in Dutch) or https://annualreport.utwente.nl (English) to learn more. #utwente #AnnualReport #jaarverslag
#utwente #annualreport #jaarverslag
@waag @DeGroene @marleenstikker
Wat een toffe actie! Als ik na het lezen van de gratis edities nog steeds geen abonnee van de Groene wordt..
Het wordt een gevulde leestafel met @DeGroene , @nrc_nl , #FilosofieMagazine, #PsychologieMagazine en #DeIngenieur .
En digitaal nog #DeCorrespondent, @FTM_nl en de #Tubantia.
En dat is betaalde media, want je hebt #1Twente voor kwalitatief lokale journalistiek, de @NOS (met #RTVOost) voor actualiteiten, de #UToday voor de #utwente-bubbel...
#FilosofieMagazine #psychologiemagazine #deingenieur #decorrespondent #tubantia #1Twente #rtvoost #utoday #utwente
The first UT Climate Café will be happening on Monday 8 May 2023, 15:30–17:30, in the DesignLab. With updates on the initiative to set up a Climate Centre at the UT.
Please register with Hermine Knol-de Vries: h.knol-devries@utwente.nl
#UTClimate #UTwente
A train travel workshop!
Workshop sessions on booking train tickets will be offered at the University of Twente on Monday 8 May 10:15-11:15 am, and on Tuesday 9 May 10:15-11:15 am.
#UTClimate #UTwente
@ed_hawkins Wonderful video!
For me personally, the combination of the warming stripes with the long-term CO2 concentration chart from #OurWorldInData was especially impactful.
After Scientists4Future adopted your warming stripes, they also became the basis for the logo of S4F-Twente (https://twente.scientists4future.nl/), where @michelle combined them with the iconic 'Tower of Drienerlo', an art piece on the campus of the University of Twente.
#ourworldindata #utwente #WarmingStripes
Exploring the Mastodon pilot. Wondering whether this platform could solve the major issues with current social network sites such as misinformation, well-being effects, commercial filtering, echo chambers and so on. Any opinion on that is welcome. What do you think? #utwente #mastadon #goodsocialmedia
#utwente #mastadon #goodsocialmedia
RT @DixGuus
De rechtszaak tegen topbestuurders van Shell is begonnen; de stand van Shell op de carrièrebeurs van #UTwente is aangemerkt als plaats delict. Onze oproep blijft hetzelfde: #cuttheties met fossiele bedrijven die op ramkoers liggen met een leefbare planeet!
Study seekers! If you want to learn more about our #Philosophy #MSc programme: Consider to join us at the Taster Day on Feb 17, 2023, at #Utwente . https://www.utwente.nl/en/education/study-choice-calendar/taster-days/#
A command center on a naval ship functions as its nerve center. This is where all the information is processed, and operators are constantly making high-impact decisions. But how is this affected by mental workload? This is exactly what the BMS lab of @utwente is aiming to uncover with the help of the Brite.
Read about it here 👇
A new phase of the protests in #Iran: the current government is executing protestors, while Time magazine chose the women of Iran as heroes of the year 2022. What do you think?
I was asked to speak during the Campus Rally for Iran at my University of Twente (#utwente).
This valuable podcast was the basis for my speech. The path to freedom is long... https://democracyparadox.com/2022/11/22/mohammed-ali-kadivar-on-paths-to-durable-democracy-and-thoughts-on-the-protests-in-iran/.
I admire the courage of the Iranian protestors.
RT @FemkeNijboer@twitter.com
Ik zoek weer opdrachtgevers voor het vak Living and Working Tomorrow. Wil jij proefballonnetjes oplaten met @UTwenteCreate@twitter.com studenten? Ben je beschikbaar tussen 6 feb en 14 april ? Kort draadje + website van vorig jaar 👇#creativetechnology #makers #utwente https://sites.google.com/utwente.nl/livingandworkingtomorrow/home
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FemkeNijboer/status/1599747922265939968
#CreativeTechnology #makers #utwente
Congratulations to our colleague Dr. Cristina Zaga from #UTwente and team who won the #NWO Diversity and Inclusion initiative award for their project on Diversity Equity and #Inclusion for #EmbodiedAI! Their research collective takes a transdisciplinary approach and ‘focuses on the development, evaluation and policy of embodied AI that fosters a diverse and inclusive culture’. Supported by funding from the 4TU.NIRICT DEI fund. Check out their awesome work! 🎉👍 https://www.nwo.nl/en/news/winners-nwo-science-awards-2022-announced
#utwente #NWO #inclusion #embodiedai
@newsroom Cool!
At #utwente we call that a data physicalisation, and all #DataViz students of the #CreativeTechnology bachelor make single data physicalisations as part of the #DataViz course and as part of the final project of the 10-week #HybridWorlds module!
Remember @yuri ? =)
#utwente #dataviz #CreativeTechnology #hybridworlds