I'm enjoying sitting here listening to the chatter of my fellow UUs, but not having to be always on my toes to respond. I engage as I am able, and it's perfectly OK when I don't. I am part of the community, but I'm not the linch-pin. #UUCQC #UU #ActuallyAutistic #auDHD #neurodivergent
#UUCQC #uu #actuallyautistic #AuDHD #neurodivergent
@thedaemon oh, sorry I think I misunderstood. You found a church that you are satisfied with in the #UU. That’s fantastic!
Sorry for the recommendation away from them.
@thedaemon Unitarian Universalism is a rather interesting organization and group of people. My experience has been that they tend to be more political than spiritual, and are geared more toward activism than community. No doubt every local body is unique.
While I’m not sure what you are looking for in a church, if #UU is appealing to you you may also want to check out #Bahai
Die nächste Möglichkeit Deine Unterstützungsunterschrift für die Zulassung zur #EUWahl24 abzugeben besteht am Samstag den 09.09.2023 am Infostand Hauptbahnhof/Ernst-August-Platz in Hannover oder sende Deine #UU an:
Regionsverband Hannover
Postfach 910815
30428 Hannover
Wenn Du Lust & Zeit hast Unterstütze uns vor Ort.
#euwahl24 #uu #piraten #hannover #nds
@Barbramon1 @enmodo @wdlindsy They have some good family programming too that we used with our kids. I grew up (inconsistently) attending a great #UU church, although they were only Universalists then.
Een winkel in het toch al matig voorziene Utrecht Science Park valt weg, en wat doe je dan als "Campus en Vastgoed" figuur?
"Ja er moet tenminste 30% van het oppervlak voor boeken en kantoorartikelen beschikbaar zijn en liever geen verkoop van eten en drinken. Maar het mag ook horeca worden!" 🙄
Wat een visie weer... #universiteit #utrecht #uu
As we wait for the effects of #ElNino to come this autumn, it will be testing the commitment of the #EA & #UU to work to prevent or mitigate severe #flooding again.
However, questions remain about the flood outflow system for the reservoir, and changes made during recent placement of a pipeline to West Cumbria are still to be tested in highflows:
As we wait for the effects of #ElNino to come this autumn, it will be testing the commitment of the #EA & #UU to work to prevent or mitigate severe #flooding again.
However, questions remain about the flood outflow system for the reservoir, and changes made during recent placement of a pipeline to West Cumbria are still to be tested in highflows:
Jeg merker jeg tar et oppgjør med overdigitalisering. Vi trenger å spørre oss selv om digitalisering av en gitt tjeneste er hensiktsmessig. Om det er det beste alternativet. Om vi er beredt når systemet er nede. Vi trenger mer virkelighet, ikke mindre. Og vi trenger alltid supplerende, og helst sidestilte alternativer, som ikke krever teknologi av brukeren.
Vi må fortsatt kunne snakke med mennesker. For hvis ikke, hva slags samfunn har vi igjen?
#uu #Norsktut
Finally left #UU because they weren't as weird as I was becoming. Not "deranged" weird, just mystical. I'm now a member of the Association of Independent Spiritual Churches (more at missionaryindependent.org). Still working #hoodoo, as you can see at hoodoofoundry.com.
Other hashtags, for our mutual interest and benefit: #queer #catsofmastodon #activist #hope #resist #goodnews #knitting #adhd -- more to follow, probably.
#uu #hoodoo #queer #catsofmastodon #activist #hope #resist #goodnews #knitting #adhd
<... But #UU feels a better fit for community, especially since it includes both Jewish and Humanist groups (less so in the UK, but in principle) ie it is not exclusively Christian.
I also joined the Quaker Non-Theist group.
Inclusivity and LGBTQ+ affirming us obviously very important to me too.
#Unitarian #UnitarianUniversalists #Quaker #Quakers #Humanist #Interfaith #agnostic #exChristian #Humanistic #inclusive #affirming
#uu #unitarian #unitarianuniversalists #quaker #quakers #humanist #interfaith #agnostic #exchristian #humanistic #inclusive #affirming
I think I need to start planning my #TTRPG schedule like I would a liturgical schedule from my #UU worship associates days. Right now, running #Alien RPG. Int he fall, I want to run either a #Ravenloft or other dark fantasy game. Maybe if I plan all this out, with cooperation with my gaming group, we could get better role-playing if people knew what was next.
Or maybe I have had too much coffee this morning and miss planning things a year at a time. 😜
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Parametrization and thermodynamic scaling of pair correlation functions for the fractional quantum Hall effect
Jørgen Fulsebakke, Mikael Fremling, Niall Moran, Joost K. Slingerland
SciPost Phys. 14, 149 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #NUIM #uu #DIAS #IrishCentreforHigh #OCW #sfi
Anyone else going to be at #UUAGA in Pittburgh this year? I'm attending as a delegate for the first time. #UnitarianUniveralist #UU @RevSarah, @ScottMGS, @danlharp, @shaktinah, @Uutimatkins, @alixklingenberg, @revmolly, @UUXMNR, @Rosiejay, @however
#uu #unitarianuniveralist #uuaga