New post by me and @ratanass for @BL_DigiSchol
Join the British Library's Universal Viewer Product Team
#JobFairy #JobKlaxon #UV #UniversalViewer #IIIF #RSE #UX #product
#jobfairy #JobKlaxon #uv #universalviewer #iiif #rse #ux #product
In the sunshine today #UV levels will be moderate so, if you are outside, remember to stay safe in the sun. ☀️
More advice here 👉
🕐 09/09 12:30
"Do you favour the soft dark beauty of #Stibnite, better known as the ancient eyeliner #kohl, or are you enthralled by the vibrant #blue of #Sodalite and its ability to glow orange under #UV light?"
Round 1, match 4
Stibnite vs sodalite
I am currently #teamSodalite but I will learn more about Stibnite and vote after I've learned more.
#stibnite #kohl #blue #sodalite #uv #mincup23 #teamsodalite
#UV levels can still be high even when it’s cloudy🌤️
Remember to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, as you can get sun burnt even on cloudy days at this time of the year.
Find out more about UV:
🕐 21/08 14:03
10 hétköznapi dolog, ami a tudomány jelenlegi állása szerint rákot okozhat Van, amikor sejthető az összefüggés, és van, amikor bizonyított: íme 5 gyanúsított és 5 elítélt a WHO rákkutató központjának listájáról az aszpartámtól a mobiltelefonon át a Napig. #epstein-barrvírus #mobiltelefon #UV-sugárzás #aszpartám #dohányzás
#epstein #mobiltelefon #uv #aszpartam #dohanyzas
"The rare moss Takakia has adapted over millions of years to a life at high altitudes. An international research team has now discovered exactly how it has developed the ability to survive frost and life-threatening high UV radiation".
#climatechange #takakia #plant #adaptation #uv #frost
#climatechange #takakia #plant #adaptation #uv #frost
It's an abusing forensic lights kinda day.
Although with those freckles, I probably sunburned myself in the 10 seconds it took to get that photo.
#tattoo #highlighter #hello #ARM #uv
Old Film Camera Modified for Different Chemistry - While most photographers have moved on to digital cameras with their numerous bene... - #kodakbrownie #photography #ultraviolet #chemistry #cyanotype #picture #camera #photo #art #uv
#uv #art #photo #camera #picture #cyanotype #chemistry #ultraviolet #photography #kodakbrownie
#Hitze-Ratgeber für #Kitas, #Grundschulen und #Eltern
Mit fortschreitender #Klimakrise können die gesundheitlichen Risiken durch Hitze, #UV-Strahlung, Luftschadstoffe, Allergene sowie Insekten und Zecken zunehmen. #Kinder sind dabei besonders von Gesundheitsrisiken betroffen, weil die körperliche Entwicklung noch nicht abgeschlossen ist und ihr Organismus daher besonders sensibel auf äußere Einflüsse reagieren kann.
#kinder #uv #klimakrise #eltern #Grundschulen #kitas #hitze
Residents across multiple states notice strange and worrisome new scent in the air: ‘Certainly a health concern’
Story by Erin Feiger, July 18, 2023
"The Weather Network reported recently that in areas of Eastern and Midwestern #Canada and the #UnitedStates where #wildfire #smoke is heaviest, residents have noticed a burnt #plastic smell in the air.
"While this may sound odd, there is a clear reason for smoky skies to smell like a trash fire instead of a campfire.
"Kang Sun, an assistant professor at the University at Buffalo studying the chemistry and physics of the Earth’s atmosphere, explained to The New York Times that when biomass like branches, trees, and leaves burn, they spew volatile organic compounds (#VOCs) into the air.
"When these VOCs are first created, their reaction with the atmosphere causes the campfire smell typically associated with wildfires. As the VOCs linger in the air, however, they interact with ultraviolet (#UV) radiation to create #pollutants like #benzene and #formaldehyde, which smell like burning plastic, as explained by The Weather Network.
"The more wildfires there are, the more smoke and toxic chemicals there will be in the air, which can have negative effects on the health of both humans and animals."
#canada #unitedstates #wildfire #smoke #plastic #VOCs #uv #pollutants #benzene #formaldehyde
Der Blick auf den #UV-Gefahrenindex für #MecklenburgVorpommern
#uv #mecklenburgvorpommern #mv #MVWetter #gesundheit
I am currently working on a huge #app update. See the pictures for a #sneakpreview .
New features include:
- weather maps, including the #uv hazard index for Germany & Europe amongst others
- pollen count forecast for Germany & your location
- support for swipe gestures throughout the app
The new features need some more testing, so a new official release will still take some time.
Visit the project homepage at #codeberg:
#TinyWeatherForecastGermany #app #sneakpreview #uv #codeberg
En ik had me ingestreken! #uv #zonnebrand • Keine Wolke in Sicht, Temperaturen über 30 Grad - der Hochsommer ist zurück. Gleichzeitig steigt der UV-Index im Land auf kritische Werte. Wie man trotzdem mit heiler Haut durch den Sommer kommt.
Erfahren Sie mehr über Hautkrebs, die Auswirkungen der Sonnenexposition, die Bedeutung von Sonnenschutzmitteln und Strategien zur Hautkrebsvorsorge. #Sonnenschutz #Hautkrebs #Sonnencreme #UV-Strahlung #Hautkrebsvorsorge
#sonnenschutz #hautkrebs #sonnencreme #uv #hautkrebsvorsorge
I'm suffering from what is possibly heat exhaustion from my visit to the #allotment yesterday.
I've got #ibs symptoms (don't ask) but I'm absolutely exhausted and feeling nauseous as well.
Mrs Mike has pointed out that it's obvious that my hat wasn't UV protection!
Take care out there people!
#allotment #ibs #heat #weather #uv
These 3D Printed Biocatalytic Fibers Scrub Carbon Dioxide - On today’s episode of “What If?” — what if the Apollo 13 astronauts had a 3D print... - #carbonicanhydrase #3dprinterhacks #chemistryhacks #photoinitiator #carbondioxide #cross-linking #textile #curing #enyme #co2 #peg #uv
#uv #peg #co2 #enyme #curing #textile #cross #carbondioxide #photoinitiator #chemistryhacks #3dprinterhacks #carbonicanhydrase