Microsoft AppX (UWP) concept is OK, but good grief the technical implementation is awful!
I just spent 2 hours fixing a nonsense issue, where the InstallLocation of an app was changed to NULL due to a disk volume change and of course the App failed to start or run or even uninstall. You couldn't re-install it from the store either.
Had to scrub the registry clean with SYSTEM access to get even some control over it, but now it remains to be seen if it helped or not...
#appx #uwp #windows
ZipGenius X development diary, part 7 – a new visual experience.
ZipGenius X adopts the design given by Windows 11 recognizable visual trademarks like Mica, Mica Alt and Acrylic materials for apps backgrounds.
#News #ZipGenius #acrylic #design #mica #MicaAlt #syle #uwp #windows #winui #xaml #zipgenius #zipgeniusx
#news #ZipGenius #acrylic #design #mica #micaalt #syle #uwp #windows #WinUI #xaml #zipgeniusx
ZipGenius X, diaro dello sviluppo: parte 7 – un nuovo approccio visuale.
ZipGenius X adotta il design fornito dagli elementi distintivi di Windows 11 come i materiali Mica, Mica Alt e Acrilico per gli sfondi delle applicazioni.
#Notizie #ZipGenius #acrylic #design #mica #MicaAlt #stile #uwp #windows #winui #xaml #zipgenius #ZipgeniusX
#notizie #ZipGenius #acrylic #design #mica #micaalt #stile #uwp #windows #WinUI #xaml #zipgeniusx
I realized that the new version 1.11 of #libssh2 was published 2 weeks ago:
For v1.10 I commited some patches regarding #UWP, #WinCE and #BSD locally.
Some of those patches are obsolete now, but I guess I will find issues when I start builds for old target platforms.
The only disadvantage of crypto-libs is: They are complex and always need some extra attentions.
But I love them ❤️, because it's fun to write your own #SSH client by just a few lines of code.
#libssh2 #uwp #wince #bsd #ssh
It seems like Unity's AsyncReadManager ( can read files from UWP brokered locations (like PicturesLibrary)?
It works fine on PC and I wonder if it does on HoloLens emulator (if only running that wasn't broken on my machine for some obscure reason).
I'm definitely surprised, considering reading files from brokered locations via System.IO.File was broken for many 2021 LTS releases.
The #Xbox Series S. The ultimate retro PC? Running Win98SE with a VGA monitor and a PS2 keyboard.
#xbox #xboxseriesx #dosboxpure #retroarch #uwp
#Dolphin Emulator for #Xbox #UWP
Seems the first UWP emulator app in history if I am not mistaken.
Via release page
I have 2 #remotedesktop clients. The #UWP one crashes when I try to use the clipboard on the remote server (regardless of whether I share the clipboard with host). The #Win32 one lags on a 100M Ethernet connection with effects set to modem level.
This is kinda wild- never occured to me to investigate the use of UWP apps for something like this.
"The Dolphin Emulator has been forked as a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app, letting you install it on Xbox One devices like the Xbox Series S."
#wii #gamecube #emulation #emulator #dolphin #uwp #xbox
@TimPurdum Not necessarily but I know #microsoft's modus operandi. What happened to #UWP? What happened to #Phone, #Band and so on?
It's the first nail in the #wpf #coffin.
However, #developers should be aware that Microsoft no longer considers wpf to be strategically important and that it is more a matter of maintenance than of decisive further developments.
#Microsoft is *not* an #opensource #company so the comparison is lame.
#uwp #phone #band #developers #microsoft #wpf #coffin #opensource #company
The Windows UI Library (#WinUI) is a native user experience (#UX) framework for both #msWindows desktop and #UWP applications.
At this time, there are two generations of WinUI under active development: #WinUI2 for UWP and #WinUI3 in the Windows App SDK.
WinUI sample galleries (installable from the #WindowsAppStore):
➡️ WinUI 3 Gallery -
➡️ WinUI 2 Gallery -
#winui #ux #mswindows #uwp #winui2 #WinUI3 #windowsappstore #programming #win32 #dotnet
Wie wir kaputte Windows-Apps reparieren
Es kommt vor, dass Windows-Apps aus dem Microsoft-Store nicht funktionieren oder verschwinden. Mit den vier hier vorgestellten Massnahmen lassen sie sich unkompliziert wieder in Gang setzen.
#Geheimtipp #Nerdpost #Windows #Kummerbox #UWP #clickomaniablog
#geheimtipp #nerdpost #windows #kummerbox #uwp #clickomaniablog
Die schleichende Entmündigung von uns Windows-Nutzern
Microsoft verbessert den Schutz vor Schadsoftware. Doch wir Nutzer zahlen einen Preis: Die Möglichkeiten, was wir mit unseren Programmen tun und lassen können, werden massiv eingeschränkt.
#Nerdpost #PetPeeve #Windows #UWP #clickomaniablog
#nerdpost #petpeeve #windows #uwp #clickomaniablog
RT @VelerSoftware: Check out #DevToys, a free and open source Swiss Army knife for developers that @b_titeux and I made!
#windows #windows10 #windows11 #winui #uwp #developer #developers #opensource #free #microsoft #fluentdesign
#devtoys #windows #windows10 #windows11 #winui #uwp #developer #developers #opensource #free #microsoft #fluentdesign
#Microsoft changed so many things in #WinUI3 that I would need to rewrite my #csharp #uwp #apps *completely*. I guess they'll stay in retirement for now, may I start over from scratch in the wintertime, idk.
Big sigh.
#microsoft #WinUI3 #csharp #uwp #apps
Ella hat bereits jetzt mit einem halben Jahr ihrer Freiheit bezahlt. Wir haben darüber gesprochen, wie ungerecht das ist. Haben eine Welt ohne Gefängnisse erträumt und mussten lernen, mit Repression umzugehen. (Kommentar vom 6.6.) #uwp #dannibleibt
RT @punker76: Please help and vote for one of these cards for #IconPacks ❤️🙏🤘 #OSS #WPF #MahApps #UWP #MVPBuzz
#IconPacks #oss #wpf #MahApps #uwp #mvpbuzz