No free tickets for Outcome 2023—How often it happens that you visit your friend's restaurant and ask for free food.
If you do not see value in conference program why you need a free ticket?
#chandigarh #uxconference #indiaux #chandigarhstartups
The most beautiful intersection is of service design, system thinking, UX, content strategy, and civic design. You are welcome to join us at the Outcome 2023, in Chandigarh. #UXconference #contentstrategy #systemthinking #civicdesign #civictech #Chandigarh #UXIndia
#uxconference #contentstrategy #systemthinking #civicdesign #civictech #chandigarh #uxindia
As we are building the program, the call for speakers is still open for the Outcome 2023—a conference on the intersection of product content strategy, UX and design, product management, and anything that builds conversations in civic tech and civic design.
Enjoy being in Chandigarh, on 10-11 February 2023. #UX #design #UXconference #designconference #contentstrategy #contentdesign #productmanagement #Chandigarh
#ux #design #uxconference #designconference #contentstrategy #contentdesign #productmanagement #chandigarh