Lists suck. I hate lists. Lists of everything. It's all I see. Lists in boxes. The #UX of lists for me goes something like:
Oh, a thing. Shit, how many things are there? Wtf do I do with the first thing, and how TF long is it going to take me to get through this F*ing list?
Every time.
I think #UXD and software devs should try to avoid lists like they try to avoid surprises, errors, and inconsistency.
UX Healthcare Design (
#UXH23 UX Healthcare Berlin -
Last 3 days remaining to submit your talks for UX Healthcare Berlin.
📅 21-22nd September
#ux #uxdesign #uxdesigner #uxu #uxdesigners #uxd #uxdesigning #uxgifs #uxinspiration #uxmal #uxlife #uxresearch #uxwriter
#uxh23 #ux #uxdesign #uxdesigner #uxu #UXDesigners #uxd #uxdesigning #uxgifs #uxinspiration #uxmal #uxlife #uxresearch #uxwriter
Recent TinyUX update made some UI improvements regarding selections.
Next I'm planning to add 'component import'. You can write a .csv like notation to create a component. Like:
button, button, button/arrow_right
An export feature will soon follow, so you can backup and share components and screens.
#uxd #import #uxdesign #wireframing #TinyUX
Latest TinyUX update (1.1.2) includes text search.
You can search in a bunch of languages like English, French, German, Chinese, Russian.
Earlier update included the option to search by drawing with your finger.
#ux #uxdesign #wireframes #textsearch #search #icons #uxd #app #update #TinyUX
#TinyUX #update #app #uxd #icons #search #textsearch #wireframes #uxdesign #ux
The Many Benefits of Annotating Your Wireframes
#webdesign #wireframes #uxd #ixd #uiDesign
#webdesign #wireframes #uxd #ixd #uidesign
The advantage of having a wireframing app on your phone, is that you can brainstorm your next feature while you are in bed not really wanting to start the day.
Here I'm working on the select feature for TinyUX so it will be easier to move things around.
Option B seems more elegant, but a bit more work to implement.
#uxdesign #tinyux #wireframing #select #icons #brainstorming #brainstorm #uxd #uiconcept #interactionDesign
#interactiondesign #uiconcept #uxd #brainstorm #brainstorming #icons #select #wireframing #TinyUX #uxdesign
Next update will allow for larger icons. 2x2 or 3x3.
Seems obvious, but was quite a lot of work to figure how to go about it. putting 4 smaller icons in a square will auto-merge them.
The 3x3 does show the pixels a bit, so eventually need to create SVG icons.
Hope to put the update live later today.
#uxd #UXTools #uxdesign #TinyUX
In TinyUX you create wireframes based on a grid. It's a bit like paint with large pixels. You tap your buttons, icons, etc, and it merges them to create larger shapes.
Now adding that text won't overflow the shapes. Will be in next version later this week.
Feature requests? Let me know!
#UXtools #TinyUX #wireframing #app #UXD #ellipse #buttons #Wireframes #uxdesign #uxui #ux
#UXTools #tinyux #wireframing #app #uxd #ellipse #buttons #wireframes #uxdesign #uxui #ux
In TinyUX you create wireframes based on a grid. It's a bit like paint with large pixels. You tap your buttons, icons, etc. And it merges the buttons/etc to create larger shapes.
Now making the improvement so text will be cut if it wouldn't fit the button.
#UXtools #TinyUX #wireframing #app #UXD #ellipse #buttons #Wireframes
#wireframes #buttons #ellipse #uxd #app #wireframing #TinyUX #UXTools
The most clever, original design I've come across for a while: on the Victorinox website, users can easily see how large a knife is by comparing it to common household items like an iPhone, a mug, or a wine bottle.
This makes it much easier for customers to make an informed decision about whether the product is right for them, without guessing or hunting for a tape measure. I'd bet Victorinox have fewer returns to process as a result too!
#uxdesign #uxd #uxui #productdesign
Dit vond ik best wel heftig artikel. Uit onderzoek blijkt, dat software als ChatGPT morele keuzes kan ondermijnen. Met uitleg over het experiment dat hier mee gedaan is.
#ai #chatgpt maar ook van belang voor #ux #uxdesign #uxdesinger #uxd #moral #issues #onderwijs #maatschappij
#maatschappij #onderwijs #issues #moral #uxd #uxdesinger #uxdesign #ux #chatgpt #ai
Punt 1 in mijn optiek, garbage in is garbage out. Punt 2, ho, wacht, open ai heeft een agenda en je weet niet altijd of het in de lucht is. Maar wel interessant om te zien hoe veelzijdig je #chatgptb zou kunnen inzetten.
#usability #test #usabilitytest #ux #uxd #uxdesign #design #testing #testen.
#testen #testing #design #uxdesign #uxd #ux #UsabilityTest #test #usability #chatgptb
Next TinyUX mobile app update (1.0.22) allows for 'split surfaces'.
Or in other words, you can have buttons and large rectangles next to each other without auto-merging to form one large button/rectangle.
Seems obvious, but was a bit of a ux puzzle.
#ux #wireframing #uxDesign #uxTools #uxd #app #wireframes #split #tinyUX
#TinyUX #split #wireframes #app #uxd #UXTools #uxdesign #wireframing #ux
Ux research as the black sheep in the family...
The later ones are the one to scroll for!
UX 2022, told with memes
#ux #uxd #ui #uxui #uxuidesign #uxdesign #uxdesigner #ux2022
#ux2022 #uxdesigner #uxdesign #uxuidesign #uxui #ui #uxd #ux
I remember reading (or should I say experiencing?) "Snow Fall" when it was published ten years ago. As a working web/UX designer and freelance creative lead, I was excited by these affordances of visual journalism but also intimidated, because the effort required serious collaboration by a crack interdisciplinary team.
Snow Fall doesn't look new now, but back then it was a compelling model of what could be.
#journalism #VisualJournalism #InteractionDesign #UXD #UX
#journalism #visualjournalism #interactiondesign #uxd #ux
Welk een kern van waarheid 😅
#ux #uxd #uxdesign #uxdesigner #dev #devops #developer #design #development #coding #designer
#designer #coding #development #design #developer #devops #dev #uxdesigner #uxdesign #uxd #ux
Experiment, met het maken van een landingspagina via midjourney
Gebruikte prompt, zodat je zelf ook fijn kunt experimenteren in midjourney, stable diffusion of Dall-e (hoewel prompt voor midjourney gemaakt is)
"/imagine prompt: web UI design, landingspage for "write here your product/service", behance, dribbble::5 --v 4 --q 2 -"
#design #ux #uxd #uxdesign #midjourney #desinging #designer #ai #aidesign
#aidesign #ai #designer #desinging #midjourney #uxdesign #uxd #ux #design
Backstory mede ontwikkeld via ChatGPT, beelden via midjourney en vervolgens photoshop.
Prachtig, eigenlijk. Maar jeetje, consequenties...
#ai #design #ux #uxd #uxdesign #midjorney #midjourny #chatgpt
#chatgpt #midjourny #midjorney #uxdesign #uxd #ux #design #ai