Michael Rowe · @michaelrowe01
138 followers · 1330 posts · Server mstdn.social

Such a useful notification in macOS Ventura... and if you click on any of them it just takes you to the Login Items page... doesn't tell me which one is which nofication..


Last updated 1 year ago

"How do I turn off my phone? The power button keeps bringing up Bixby."

#samsung #uxfail #UXFails #uxfailsgalore

Last updated 1 year ago

So Google Keep's autocorrect has stopped working on my wife's phone. I wasn't able to help her, only point her at a long Reddit thread of people with the same problem, in hopes that a solution will eventually appear there.

I sure do regret buying her an phone to replace her iPhone with. To be fair, she had problems with the iPhone too. She just has WAY MORE problems now, and they usually aren't a matter of "getting used to android" (she's plenty used to all the by now.)

She'll probably sell it and get an iPhone and she'll be able to be a blue bubble again and send and receive watchable videos and interact with her iMessage using friends who absolutely refuse to use anything else -- why would they? They all think android is a raging dumpster fire, and it really is.

Me? When I can afford it I'll get a pinephone pro and if that isn't up to the task I'll cave and get a Jesus JesusPhone.

Missing my BB Passport. Best phone ever.

#android #uxfail

Last updated 1 year ago

Kim Witten, PhD · @KimWitten
424 followers · 258 posts · Server me.dm

All five x’s on this screen mean something different.


Last updated 1 year ago

Stéphane Deschamps · @notabene
477 followers · 561 posts · Server piaille.fr

… le même site : Cet identifiant n'est pas valide, il utilise des caractères interdits.

Après moult tâtonnements vu que l'erreur est je découvre que mon prénom doit être saisi « Stephane » sans accent.



Last updated 1 year ago

Got a notification on my phone this morning informing me that my alarm didn't go off because background tasks are restricted. 🤦

#uxfail #UXFails #uxfailgalore #android

Last updated 1 year ago

Yesterday, while moving, my phone in my pocket attempted multiple emergency calls and took nearly 100 screenshots. It tried various activities like doing a crossword, looking up septic pump group rates(???), viewing photos on Google Maps, and taking pictures of my pocket (screenshots of pictures, technically.) It even attempted to chat with a website support bot and adjust my clipboard settings, all while I was carrying heavy boxes and furniture.

Weird thing is, each time I'd notice, I'd turn off the screen and put it back in my pocket. I can see the emergency calls happening but how the hell did it unlock the phone to do the rest of it???

At this point I just laugh and shake my head. Android will kill us all one day, and it will be because a touchscreen got activated in someone's pocket.

#uxfail #android

Last updated 1 year ago

annso · @annso
694 followers · 861 posts · Server framapiaf.org

Il y a un an, j'ai designé une interface où la modification se fait via une modale. Je SAVAIS que ce n'était pas une bonne idée sur le long terme, mais c'était tellement simple sur le coup...

Et ça y est, le jour redouté est arrivé : ma modale a bien évolué, et j'ai maintenant besoin de faire apparaître une modale sur la modale 😭.

Bon, j'ai pleuré un bon coup. Et maintenant, je vais essayer de limiter la casse en évaluant mes options (merci au chouette modalzmodalzmodalz.com/)


Last updated 1 year ago

D:\side\ · @dside
578 followers · 3279 posts · Server mastodon.ml

🌟 Инновации в , диалог с самим собой! Уже знакомый паттерн из разных мессенджеров для быстрого сохранения заметок на будущее.

Сделан, в духе , через задницу.

Для начала, он в разделе Favorites (Избранное). Если щёлкнуть по нему правой кнопкой, всплывает меню с разными действиями, среди которых… "Add to favorites" (добавить в избранное).

Так он в избранном или нет? Интерфейс однозначного ответа не даёт.

Но что хуже, убрать его оттуда тоже не даёт.

В этом же меню пункт "Hide conversation" (скрыть беседу)… ага, тоже ничего не делает.

#skype #microsoft #ux #uxfail

Last updated 1 year ago

Jiří Fiala Total Landscaping · @stooovie
397 followers · 4314 posts · Server mas.to

When you close the last un-pinned tab by clicking the little x, the entire window stays open. When you close it by cmd-w, the entire window closes. Where did UI consistency go?

#uxfail #safari

Last updated 1 year ago

Franck ☠️ · @franckpaul
304 followers · 6583 posts · Server mstdn.nrkn.fr

Encore un site qui veut trop en faire avec la validation d'email !

lepotcommun.fr vous savez que toto+tata@example.com est un email valide ?

C'est malin, mon compte créé il y a quelques temps avec un email x+y@z.com n'est plus reconnu comme valide :-p


Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Porter · @MichaelPorter
490 followers · 9795 posts · Server ottawa.place

Today’s . If it looks like a button, it should act like a button.

#baddesign #uxfail

Last updated 1 year ago

Yet another precious moment lost by laggy camera software. I guess I should've cleared my cache before my baby did that cute thing.

#android #uxfail #UXFails #uxfailgalore

Last updated 1 year ago

GoOz · @GoOz
159 followers · 697 posts · Server mamot.fr

If somebody knows someone who works at Etsy, please let them know they have an issue on the 2FA tunnel.
Can’t scroll and the dropdown options are hidden behind the sticky footer. It's better with a narrow viewport.

Firefox 116, macOS 13.4.1

#uxfail #ux

Last updated 1 year ago

Edwin Groothuis · @mavetju
44 followers · 389 posts · Server aus.social

Scouts NSW has a new one-stop-shop membership management system named Scout Hub.

It's easy for existing members to renew for a new season with discounts and Active Kids Vouchers available. It's easy for new members to join for a trial.

When you're joining for a trial, you get a Scouts NSW membership number. When your trial ends and you want to stay in that group, you have to register again.

Seeing the screen below, you would think "I have a Scouts NSW membership number, I'm a returning member.". That is wrong, that is for people who already have finished their trial and stayed with the group. You woul think "If not a returning member, then a new member maybe....?". That is wrong, you are already in the database.

So, what do you need to do then? You go to the treasurer, who upgrades your account from "Trial" to "New member" (which is a different new member than when you register, because that was a trial membership). Discounts and Active Kids Voucher? The treasurers job. So much for a one-stop-shop!

Luckily I'm not the treasurer (just helping out with this Scout Hub thing) and luckily this is only once per member.

#scoutsnsw #scouthub #uxfail

Last updated 1 year ago

Feth · @ffeth
506 followers · 9055 posts · Server hostux.social

Tous les trois mois ça se déconnecte. Et alors il faut remettre le code wifi. Wtf.

Et j'ai très envie de parler à quelqu'un de Legrand /netatmo actuellement.


Last updated 1 year ago

Natouille 🍷 🥃 🍾 · @Natouille
1827 followers · 19248 posts · Server mastodon.tetaneutral.net

Je profite de la vague X pour refaire mon

Sur Masto depuis la vague francophone de avril 2017 ( j'ai quitté twitwi définitivement en 2018), j'ai rencontré plein de gens sympas et rigolos (oui, même les jumeaux), y compris mon namour 🥰

UX designer depuis des lustres, je chouine sur les , j'adore collectionner les copies d'écran d'interfaces déglinguées et poster des qui dégomment les rétines.

J'aime ici la bonne humeur générale.

#websitefromhell #uxfail #introduction

Last updated 1 year ago

Badly-optimised primate · @moopet
196 followers · 3046 posts · Server toot.cafe

On this form, an empty string fails the "does not contain illegal characters" requirement.

Holy triple-negatives, Batman.

And what is an "illegal" character? Based on the remaining criteria, I think this means, "non-ASCII".

The whole form (which is the whole webpage) looks so 90s and amateur. Good job, Oracle.


Last updated 1 year ago

Erik Moeller · @eloquence
5815 followers · 3364 posts · Server social.coop

@libreoffice has this odd behavior where if you select some text and export a PDF, by default you end up with a PDF that contains ... the selected text. This is how I've routinely ended up with PDFs containing the word "the" or "of" just because that happened to be the active cursor selection.

Classic case of "pick sensible defaults" to avoid .

Didn't see an existing bug for this so I've opened one here, curious how the project responds to issues:

#uxfail #ux

Last updated 1 year ago

Trying to help my FIL access a shared album on Google photos on his iPad. I show him what icons to touch to get to our shared album, which he diligently memorizes.

Too bad the next time he does it, he ends up on a different screen -- some kind of chat screen.

Frustrated, he presses Home and does the process again. Back to the regular screen.

FIL is not a technical man, but he knows if he learns the steps to do something he will get a certain result. My FIL has learned that this is not true of Google applications, a lesson I'm happy to re-enforce.

I avoid Apple products as a matter of principle but it would be nice not to have to explain that one of the richest companies in the world can't design a UX to save their lives.

#uxfail #uxfailgalore #google

Last updated 1 year ago