@JDP2000 @RitaWerner Es geht dabei weniger um das Kriegsgeschehen sondern den Schutz der Bevölkerung - insbesondere nach Ender der Kampfhandlungen.
#Streumunition wie #Clusterbomben sind wegen der großen Anzahl an individuellen Sprengköpfen ein Peoblem, da dies absurd große Mengen und an #UXO erzeugt die später vorallem unwissende Leute gefärden und massiv mehr Aufwand bedeuten.
#uxo #clusterbomben #Streumunition
#uxo New Exhibit Opens August 11 @internationalpeacemuseum #dayton #thesecretwar #laos #landmines #vietnamwar #legaciesofwar @legaciesofwar #ohio #museum
#uxo #dayton #thesecretwar #laos #landmines #vietnamwar #legaciesofwar #ohio #museum
#UXO (Unexploded ordinance) found at a #Maui #recycling center. #Hawaii https://www.kitv.com/news/local/unexploded-mortar-found-at-kihei-recycling-center/article_35b5d486-b94d-11ed-a1b1-1b8a43c44b4d.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_KITV4
‘I Just Want My Legs Back’: Myanmar Landmine Casualties Soar.
Ukrainian Deminers Learn From Decades Of Cambodian Experience
#Cambodia #Ukraine #UXO #mines
#cambodia #ukraine #uxo #mines
Even after the defeat of #Ruzzia by #Ukraine, there will remain a serious problem surrounding unexploded ordinance (#UXO).
#nafo #SlavaUkriani #СлаваУкраїні #GloryToTheHeroes #HeróyamSláva
#ruzzia #Ukraine #uxo #NAFO #slavaukriani #славаукраїні #glorytotheheroes #HeroyamSlava
#Enforced s Knox Kolby on #UXO
"It’s about the cluster bombing of Laos during the Vietnam War... the cultural impact that the unexploded ordnance has had over the last 50 years.
Over 20,000 people have died accidentally from stepping on these bombs.. scattered over the entire country... 35% of the country is still contaminated.. It’s an issue the United States has only recently owned up to, but the government won’t apologize for; it’s shameful."
The US Army Corps of Engineers, which is leading the remediation effort, has been plagued by shoddy work & multiple regulatory disputes, according to a Honolulu Star-Advertiser/ProPublica investigation. In one case, after state regulators raised concerns, the Corps rebid a contract to assess the unexploded bombs risk on the largest Native parcel in the region, prolonging a process that is years behind schedule.
#Kherson #Ukraine - Russian anti-tank mine set with an “anti-disturbance” device (aka booby trapped); making demining operations more hazardous. #UXO via https://twitter.com/markito0171/status/1591452496563965957?s=21&t=L0v7nQA8buDsytBEZlsSCw
“Liberated Kherson region is one of the unsafest places in the world because Russians left an enormous amount of mines there.
It will be very difficult but all and whole civilized world will help.
We ask our Allies for more equipment and materials for humanitarian de-mining.” #UXO #Ukraine #Russia #Kherson https://twitter.com/gerashchenko_en/status/1591077391606378498?s=21&t=IRolhX43kYqn_O0J_4ecAA
#Kherson #Russia #Ukraine #uxo
Video of an excavator piercing a land mine. #UXO https://twitter.com/Xaniken/status/1589141147691417600/video/1