Marie Guillaumet · @MarieGuillaumet
236 followers · 26 posts · Server

Vous utilisez pour publier des contenus sur le web ? Vous vous souciez de l’ de votre ou site ?

Ne manquez pas ce premier article de ma collègue Flore Vannier, dédié à l’accessibilité des images dans WordPress !

La suite de cette série sera publiée chaque semaine jusqu’à fin mars. 🌸 Flore abordera d’autres problématiques liées à l’, qui pourront notamment intéresser les parmi vous.

#handicap #blogging #ux #a11y #uxwriters #editorial #blog #accessibilite #wordpress

Last updated 1 year ago

Tom Resing · @resing
210 followers · 865 posts · Server

@edeverett Love this improvement. And, I agree. Bad spelling is bad design. I'd like to think these experiences are improving because they hired dedicated

#contentdesign #uxwriters

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Resing · @resing
201 followers · 787 posts · Server

Big day for tooling. Figma finally supports a base level of spell checking!

Figma Ryan Reid added coverage of the new featureto his guide

#contentdesign #uxwriter #uxwriters #uxwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

I am updating my professional portfolio because a lot has changed in my CV-related life in the last year. If there are any other or portfolio-based people out there who would like to workshop together or even just hold one another accountable for the updates, I’m super keen to connect. It feels like a drag but I know I’ll be glad to have it done.

#writers #designers #creatives #ux #uxwriters #portfolio

Last updated 2 years ago

I’ve read 78 in 2022, hoping to end strong at 85. I only read one that was “industry-related,” although as a , I think all writing helps become better at my job. My one career-related book was Design for Real Life by Eric Meyer & Sara Wachter Boettcher from the incredible publisher A Book Apart. Def rec it for alike. It reframes edge cases in an empathetic way and seeped into my day-to-day thinking as a writer and .

#books #writer #UXDesigners #uxwriters #copywriters #productdesigners #designer

Last updated 2 years ago