“This judgment sends a message to the #Uyghur victims that as long as UK companies pay market value for #slave labour #cotton, the UK government and courts will not intervene.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/20/world-uyghur-congress-loses-legal-challenge-against-uk-authorities #uyghurforcedlabor #china #uk #uyghurs
#uyghur #slave #cotton #uyghurforcedlabor #China #uk #uyghurs
In the face of evidence that #Chinese cotton is picked mainly by #UyghurForcedLabor, many Western textile companies are turning to other supply sources. But sourcing “clean” cotton isn’t difficult, as efforts by #Swiss outdoor supply firm Mammut show.
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#enduyghurforcedlabor #swiss #uyghurforcedlabor #chinese
The senate finance committee has opened an inquiry into whether auto makers including @tesla Inc. & General Motors are using parts made with #UyghurForcedLabor.
The committee asked the CEOs of 8 car manufacturers to provide detailed information on their supply chains.
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#enduyghurgenocide #uyghurforcedlabor
The grave human rights abuses in #EastTurkistan, where #Uyghurs are subjected to internment & slavery, demand an international response.
The US response has been the #UyghurForcedLabor Prevention Act which stops consumers from being complicit in genocide.
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#enduyghurgenocide #uyghurforcedlabor #uyghurs #eastturkistan
#China has scrubbed detailed data on monthly exports from #EastTurkistan after the U.S. slapped a ban on shipments over #UyghurForcedLabor concerns, in a move that researchers say will make it tougher to track trade from the region.
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#enduyghurgenocide #uyghurforcedlabor #eastturkistan #China
If you're buying a car, electronics or clothing, from major household names, you could be buying products made by #Uyghur slaves.
"There was no part of the car we researched that was untainted by #UyghurForcedLabor” @LauraTMurphy.
By @jacobzinkula
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#enduyghurgenocide #uyghurforcedlabor #uyghur
#UyghurForcedLabor is "often driven by the need to increase the profitability of corporations at the expense of workers. These profits, enabled by corporate entities & authoritarian labor conditions, directly benefit #Chinese elites..."
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#enduyghurgenocide #chinese #uyghurforcedlabor
The #UyghurForcedLabor Prevention Act, which @POTUS signed into law last year, essentially prevents the #US from importing products without documentation that proves they were not produced with #UyghurSlaveLabor.
By @Stephen_Perkins
#enduyghurgenocide #uyghurslavelabor #us #uyghurforcedlabor
➡️NEW REPORT by @LauraTMurphy @SheffieldHallamUniversity⬇️
The global auto industry remains heavily exposed to #UyghurForcedLabor for raw materials, components & other supplies, despite the implementation of the #UyghurForcedLaborPreventionAct.
#enduyghurgenocide #UyghurForcedLaborPreventionAct #uyghurforcedlabor
#EastTurkistan is home to much of the solar industry’s silicon production & refining capacity. The #Chinese gov has repeatedly denied #UyghurForcedLabor allegations, labeling them as an attempt to undercut Chinese businesses.
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#enduyghurgenocide #uyghurforcedlabor #chinese #eastturkistan
The global solar panel manufacturing industry has a Genocide problem.
➡️The world's biggest solar producers employ #UyghurForcedLabor.
➡️Breakthrough Institute reports #Uyghur workers extract & develop raw materials in tough conditions.
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#UyghurGenocide #uyghur #uyghurforcedlabor
Report by Clean Energy Council, calls for more local renewable energy production & manufacturing & a “certificate of origin” scheme to counter slave labour concerns in mineral extraction & manufacturing in #China, Africa & South America.
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#UyghurGenocide #uyghurforcedlabor #China
In #EastTurkistan, the strict “Zero-Covid” policy is yet another layer of government control to add to the prospect of detention in "re-education" or #UyghurForcedLabor camps & ubiquitous surveillance of their lives.
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#enduyghurgenocide #uyghurforcedlabor #eastturkistan
The US & #China have many trade disputes, but none perhaps as explosive as #UyghurForcedLabor. The #CCP, denies the charges, says it’s a rural job program, where in reality, those #Uyghurs have no choice but to participate or risk being detained in a camp.
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#UyghurGenocide #enduyghurgenocide #uyghurs #ccp #uyghurforcedlabor #China
Program Manager @arslanhidayat says the #Australian gov needs to do more to prevent products with #UyghurForcedLabor links, such as solar panels.
“There seems to be a battle between what's more important: climate change or human rights,"
"you have these heartless… companies… using the excuse of climate change as a loophole to try and get in their products."
#uyghurforcedlabor #australian
Recent developments in the US & EU relating to the regulation of products deemed to have been made with #UyghurForcedLabor indicate a global shift towards enhanced & even mandatory supply chain disclosures, underpinned by human rights due diligence.
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#enduyghurslavery #enduyghurgenocide #uyghurforcedlabor
According to @hongkongwatchorg & @SHULawCrim, three major stock indices provided by index publisher @MSCI include at least 13 companies which have allegedly used #UyghurForcedLabor or have profited from China’s construction of internment camps in #EastTurkistan and its surveillance apparatus.
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#uyghurgenocode #enduyghurgenocide #eastturkistan #uyghurforcedlabor
A US attempt to ban imports of cotton linked to #UyghurForcedLabor contains a loophole large enough for a multibillion-dollar business to pass through: clothing from SHEIN, the #Chinese online retail giant and social-media phenomenon that ships fast-fashion apparel directly to consumers.
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#UyghurGenocide #enduyghurgenocide #chinese #uyghurforcedlabor
Attempts to defy a law (#UFLPA) meant to crack down on the use of #UyghurForcedLabor won’t succeed, ‘Robert Silvers’ (@DHS_Policy) said, adding that the government has cast a wide net as it seeks out offending goods.
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#enduyghurgenocide #uyghurforcedlabor #uflpa
Extensive evidence of #UyghurForcedLabor programs & numerous other crimes against humanity in #EastTurkistan has come to light, yet downstream solar photovoltaic companies remain hesitant to quickly & fully distance themselves from the low-cost suppliers.
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#enduyghurgenocide #UyghurGenocide #eastturkistan #uyghurforcedlabor