@redcat @schenklklopfer +9001%
Protip: "Office Nodding" als Schleife per #V4L2loopback für den Kamera-Feed einblenden für all die #Webcam-Fetischist*innen...
@chrisisgr8 @niki tgis reminds me of a bs onlike test where they wanted me to keep the webcam on.
At first I wanted to setup #V4L2loopback just to stream a looped video of myself, but then I decided to basically tell them:
"F**k you! You ain't gonna remove evaluation period from my contract and if you're that paranoid then I don't think we're even remotely at the point of mutual trust to consider the commitment of a contract. Bye!"
Nice. #trickfilm mit Spiegelrelex bauen.
#Trickfilm #v4l2loopback #gphoto2 #heronanimation
¡¡Que hermosura!! solo en gnu/linux
ffmpeg -re -i video -f v4l2 -pix_fmt yuv420p /dev/video0
Costo, pero lo logré ya transmito en multiplataformas, solo me falta un #icecast y ya sería completo
con un consumo mínimo comparado a #OBS
#ffmpeg #v4l2loopback #snd-aloop
#snd #v4l2loopback #ffmpeg #obs #icecast
Como montar una webcam "falsa" con un video
Esto sirve para transmitir videos por ejemplo en #jitsi sin necesidad de usar una nube propietaria
ffmpeg -re -i video.webm -vf format=yuv420p -f v4l2 $(v4l2-ctl --list-device | grep -E1 Dummy | tail -n1)
I decided I want to do some basic manipulations of the camera output. After some searches I came across #v4l2loopback which is a kernel module that creates a virtual video device:
Built and loaded it and now I have /dev/video2 as well and I can send my video into it.
A useful command is vlc v4l2:///dev/video2
Next: some #gstreamer pipes that send video into it. Otherwise that above command shows nothing.
I just discovered I can use a #DSLR as a webcam using #v4l2loopback 🙂 no more low image quality video calls!