The battery on my #LG #v60 is amazing! I only have to charge it about 50% per day, and after three years of hard use it's still at 84%
At this rate it will still have 2500mah in 2039!!!
I'm never going to be able to buy a new phone unless I lose it!
#lgv60thinq #lgv60 #Android #v60 #lg
Bon elle m'agace trop cette photo, voilà le vrai coin #café et le café qu'il va bientôt falloir redemander chez omnino :)
Mon conseil beauté : je préchauffe la #V60 en la posant à l'envers sous sa carafe dans une casserole avec 3mm d'eau que je fais bouillir avant de me servir de cette eau pour coller le filtre au porte filtre.
Acabo de hacerme una #V60 con un café etíope (Yirgacheffe natural) y no está mal. Mañana probaré a ver qué tal queda modificando la receta del agua.
Ціну знижено на новий VOLVO V60, від 1 705 595грн
#volvo #v60 #carprices #carpricesinua #ціни #авто #новіавто
#volvo #v60 #carprices #carpricesinua #ціни #авто #новіавто
For coffee experts of Mastodon: I bought some honey processed coffee beans, I brewed them in my V60 and it was good. I have left the filter with the ground coffee on my counter for a few hours, and now it smells strongly of bourbon alcohol. What is going on?
#coffee #specialitycoffee #v60
Woke up bleary-eyed and ground 18g of a new #coffee bean. Emptied it into my #v60 only to discover I already ground 18g of my old beans and inadvertently made a bespoke blend.
As fate would have it, this ended up being one of my better cups OF COURSE... because now it is COMPLETELY IRREPRODUCIBLE.
#Coffee in a goblet! Finding Toothless Coffee in #KL #Malaysia was not easy… but this #V60 of an Indonesian “Semendo Paranormal” was definitely a find.
Heavy on the natural notes, this coffee changed character significantly as it cooled, you could almost say that it “went beyond the range of normal experience”.
While a nice cafe, I’m not going to do a #cafephysics review of it on #BeanThinking - but what #physics - if any - do you see here?
#coffee #kl #malaysia #v60 #cafephysics #beanthinking #physics
I’m so happy with my new Fellow Ode (Gen 2) coffee grinder. It makes a world of difference to my V60 brews.
#FellowOde #V60 #FilterCoffee #PourOverCoffee #CoffeeGrinder #Coffee
#coffee #CoffeeGrinder #pourovercoffee #filtercoffee #v60 #fellowode
What a week of work on #Cofi
Fueled by Brazilian #coffee brewed in a #V60
What you can expect in the next version:
- Updated German translation (not perfect, I welcome contributions!)
- Next step will now show beneath the timer, to get you ready for what comes next
- Added update info with a link to changelog
- Support dialog that shows up after you used a recipe 2 times
- updated design of the bottom sheets
#BuildInPublic #AndroidDev #JetpackCompose #OpenSource #Foss #WearOS #AndroidApp
#cofi #coffee #v60 #buildinpublic #androiddev #JetpackCompose #opensource #foss #wearos #androidapp
I love having room for a dedicated #coffee bar at home ☕ ♥️
#coffee #v60 #pourover #pourovercoffee #houseplants
#Coffee friends —especially those who follow the #FellowDrops or #Fellow products, I have made a Discord server just for this purpose:
#v60 #aeropress #pourover #fellow #fellowdrops #coffee
Creo que he dado con la receta correcta de #v60 para los medios que tengo a mi disposición.