Vet hypocriet.
Roland Wankers van ‘Ongeschoren Nederland’ neemt een kijkje bij een bomenkapprotest van Extinction Rebellion. Kijk meer ‘Plakshot’ op NPO Start
#plakshot #rolandwankers #ongeschorennederland #bomen #extinctionrebellion #vpro #npo3
#plakshot #rolandwankers #ongeschorennederland #Bomen #extinctionrebellion #vPro #npo3
#ShoshanaZuboff on
#SurveillanceCapitalism | #VPRO #Documentary #Backlight #film
Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a monumental book about the new economic order that is alarming. "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism," reveals how th...
#dokk #shoshanazuboff #SurveillanceCapitalism #vPro #documentary #backlight #film #tech
#Genderdiversity & #identity in #Queertopia - #VPRO #documentary
2019 :heart_trans: :heart_nb: :anqueer_flag: :genderqueerflag: :genderfluidflag:
What means gender diversity and gender identity nowadays? And what does gender diversity include? What if you are born with a body that does not meet societ...
#genderDiversity #identity #Queertopia #vPro #documentary
#AnandGiridharadas on '
#WinnersTakeAll' and the charade of
#elitephilanthropy | #VPRO #Documentary
Writer Anand Giridharadas describes in his book " Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World " why the rich do not pay taxes, but with their p...
#AnandGiridharadas #WinnersTakeAll #elitephilanthropy #vPro #documentary