"And the actress knows firsthand that there are some substantial differences between what screenwriter John Hughes wrote on the page and what ended up making it onscreen under the direction of Harold Ramis."
John Hughes Writes Original 'Vacation' Film Rusty-Centric
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/national-lampoons-vacation-dana-barron-chevy-chase-christie-brinkley-beverly-dangelo-anthony-michael-hall-190329893.html via Yahoo!
Photo: Warner Bros.
#NationalLampoonsVacation #Vacation #VacationMovie #DanaBarron #AnthonyMichaelHall #JohnHughes #HaroldRamis
#nationallampoonsvacation #vacation #vacationmovie #danabarron #anthonymichaelhall #JohnHughes #haroldramis
"I'm going steady, and I French kiss."
"So, everybody does that."
"Well, Daddy says I'm the best."