Why aren’t we all being offered an autumn Covid booster?
Because it’s not cost-effective to keep Britain healthy, says @Sheencr
#health #healthcare #medicine #vaccines #VaccinesWork #COVID #COVID19 #longCOVID
#LongCovid #COVID19 #covid #vaccineswork #vaccines #medicine #healthcare #health
"Once the requirements were in place, we saw on average a 100% decrease in virus in saliva and up to 12,000% increase in antibody levels to block its spread."
"Study finds COVID vaccine mandates significantly reduce infection rates on college campuses" https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-09-covid-vaccine-mandates-significantly-infection.html
From study: "These data are consistent with COVID vaccines having achieved hoped-for effects in our community..."
#VaccinesWork #publichealth #Vaccines #science #education #scicomm
#scicomm #education #science #vaccines #publichealth #vaccineswork
Learning from the frontlines - enabled by @DigitalScholarX's unique peer learning approach #zerodose #vaccineswork #IA2030 @gavi
Learn more about Gavi's Zero-Dose Learning Hub here https://t.co/47tquQg048 https://t.co/sEK0sgfiTl
#zerodose #vaccineswork #ia2030
Hello Fediverse!
Here's your updates for 9/4/2023!
--No new wastewater or CDC stuff today.
Nationally, the top variants in the leaderboard shuffling around a bit but still the usual variants at the top: XBB.1.16.6, EG.5.1.1, XBB.1.16, FL.1.5.1 from 1 to 4.: https://ibb.co/QptcLQ7
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #PA #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster!
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork #BA286
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #pa #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork #ba286
Hello Fediverse!
Update for 9/1/2023
1/ 🧵
Nationally, XBB.1.16.6 at the top of varaint leaderboard: https://ibb.co/gDscdYR
HV.1 at 1.42%.
BA.2.86 at .06%.
In PA, a continuing mix of variants with the top sequences reflecting national variants.: https://ibb.co/88T2Z9s
In NY,NJ, FL.1.5.1 very SOLIDLY at the top: https://ibb.co/cv4pw3n
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #PA #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster!
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork #BA286
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #pa #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork #ba286
New vaccines on the horizon for travellers: #chikungunya and #dengue
#TravelMedicine #VaccinesWork #IDMastodon
#chikungunya #dengue #travelmedicine #vaccineswork #IDMastodon
Our information ecosystem has become a massive false-balance machine.
Needed: more accurate representations of the scientific consensus.
My new piece: Is bothsidesism killing us? (And why scientific consensus matters) https://healthydebate.ca/2023/08/topic/bothsidesism-scientific-consensus-matters/ via
#Scicomm #science #misinformation #criticalthinking #publichealth #climatechange #gmo #VaccinesWork
#vaccineswork #gmo #climatechange #publichealth #criticalthinking #misinformation #science #scicomm
Update for 8/28(or 29)/2023!
1/ 🧵
Included: VOCs, Lineage News, Research, Clarifying Disinformation.
Nationally, not that much different this time in variant leaderboard order. :https://ibb.co/cXcVzyp
Current fastest clocked variant HV.1 stable this week.BA.2.86 at .04% of sequencing.
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork #BA286
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork #ba286
Updates for 8/25/2023
Nationally, FL.x.y and EG.x.y still gaining ground. So is HV.1, and BA.2.86 has had a few more discoveries and increased to .07%. HV.1 has definitely increased substantially in just a few days.: https://ibb.co/fv9nJNY
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork #BA286
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork #ba286
I am glad some institutions are bringing back mask mandates. This makes sense because cases are rising which means there is more community transmission and a higher risk of folks getting sick. Hospitalizations and deaths are lagging indicators. COVID also increases the risk of developing complications like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes.
#covid #longcovid #covidisnotover #maskup #vaccineswork #publichealth
#COVID #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #vaccineswork #publichealth
10/ Pulling it all together, #pediatricians from #mayoclinic #mayoclinicchildrenscenter #mayoclinicpedsresidency are ALWAYS ready & willing to talk with parents, families, patients and our communities about #WhyWeVaccinate
We are all in this together and want to optimize your child's health now and for the future.
We are #HealthierTogetherAAP!
#IVax2Protect #VaccinesWork #VaccinesSaveLives
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Peds MD's agree that vaccines are good medicine!
#pediatricians #mayoclinic #mayoclinicchildrenscenter #mayoclinicpedsresidency #whywevaccinate #healthiertogetheraap #ivax2protect #vaccineswork #VaccinesSaveLives
7/ What is one of the best gifts a parent can give their child?
The tools to help them live a happy, healthy life.
That begins with love, support and #vaccinations!
This pediatrician knows we must:
Love them. Protect them. Immunize them.
#VaccinesWork #Immunize #IVax2Protect
#vaccinations #vaccineswork #immunize #ivax2protect
5/ #Vaccines don't just protect kids (even though they do a great job of that, no matter how many kids you're around!)
Vaccines protect whole communities  including teachers, healthcare workers, relatives and any other adults who are regularly in contact with kids.
Vaccines make good sense to protect society and have fewer side effects than antibiotics and many other medications used to treat infectious diseases
pediatricians vaccinate to protect everyone
#vaccines #vaccinesaresmart #vaccineswork
Update for 8/18/2023!
1/ 🧵
Nationally, XBB.1.16 and XBB.1.16.6 fighting for the top with XBB.1.5.: https://ibb.co/Tt5HSWJ
In PA, FL.1.5.1 is the most sequenced variant (out of a terribly small pool of samples.): https://ibb.co/hc7JBdB
In NY/NJ, FL.1.5.1 tops the chart here, too.: https://ibb.co/K90bqKM
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork
Update for 8/14/2023! 🍵
There's no new CDC info for today.
Nationally, the 6 top variants in a very unpredictable horserace, but XBB.1.5 falling further and further down the leaderboard.: https://ibb.co/Pr42JpS
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork
COVID is on the rise, and reporting isn't consistent. If you feel sick and are getting tested, please do your best to notify people who were within arm's length of you during the two days before your symptoms started or before you got tested. You don't know other people's health issues. We don't have a public health system in place for this so it's up to individual responsibility. 🤦
#COVID #LongCovid #publichealth #MaskUp #vaccineswork
Updates for 8/11/2023! 💐
There's no new NOWCAST this week.
Nationally, XBB.1.16, EG.5.1 and XBB.1.5 losing some ground to upcoming faster variants.: https://ibb.co/V2Gvk2c
In PA, EG.5.1 found among a long and diverse list of variants.: https://ibb.co/hXd8YqB
In NY/NJ, FL.1.5.1 and EG.5.1 tops the leaderboard.: https://ibb.co/N9gmxS2
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork
"How it can follow anywhere from 10 to 30 percent of infections. How infections accumulate risk. How it’s not anxiety or depression, though its punishing nature can contribute to both those things. How children can get it; a recent review puts it at 12 to 16 percent of cases. How long-haulers who are reinfected usually get worse. How as many as 23 million Americans have post-covid symptoms, with that number increasing daily."
#COVID #LongCovid #MaskUp #vaccineswork
Here are the receipts. Anti-vax misinformation literally kills. #COVID19 #vaccineswork #publichealth
#COVID19 #vaccineswork #publichealth