I have often paraphrased something that #WalterBenjamin said, that the law itself exists only to protect those in power. Marry that with #VáclavHavel’s notion of a consumerist driven post-totalitarianism and we arrive at the reality of our present moment. The parts that are all filled in are those individuals’s whose God is their salary. God is an unwritten god. God is bigger than what one can find in a book. #theology #philosophy #ClimateChange #law #totalitarianism #capitalism
#walterbenjamin #vaclavhavel #theology #philosophy #climatechange #law #totalitarianism #capitalism
the certainty of the reality of the possibility
#MashaGessen #ParallelPolis #dissidence #VáclavBenda #VáclavHavel #Solidarność #hope #ErichFromm #blog
#erichfromm #mashagessen #parallelpolis #vaclavbenda #blog #vaclavhavel #solidarnosc #hope #dissidence
教学的勇气里提到了捷克斯洛伐克的前总统Vaclav Havel。 他拥有戏剧背景,写过一本书叫做“The Power of the Powerless”。
我想到疫情前在菲律宾遇到的一个捷克朋友,她在法国生活,早些时候通过勤工俭学在澳大利亚和法国学习了英语和法语。 我们疫情后没有联系了。
@koen_hufkens One of Václav Havel's interpreters and close friend wrote that when Havel wrote about post-totalitarianism, what he was referring to was consumerism replacing the traditional hard power oppression of the old guard cold war. It really does match up with this quote you have posted with "consumers" replacing the permissive* human beings of cold war oppression. I think about #VáclavHavel's writings often when I think about society and #ClimateChange and violence.
#matylda #labrador #labradosti #joybrador #labradorretriever #labradors #brownlabrador #blacklabrador #labradorlove #lovelabrador #labdogs #doglovers #labrador_lovers #labradortime #labradores #blackbrador #vaclavhavel
#matylda #labrador #labradosti #joybrador #labradorretriever #labradors #brownlabrador #blacklabrador #labradorlove #lovelabrador #labdogs #doglovers #labrador_lovers #labradortime #labradores #blackbrador #vaclavhavel
Strangest dream that someone who just got out of prison had also been in prison the same time as Václav Havel (a long time ago now) and claimed to know things about Havel, but it seemed the worst accusation he had was that Havel was petty. I am fairly certain, given everything I have read about Havel over the years, he was likely not petty.
I just realized that if we combine two teachings: that Václav Havel warned post-totalitarianism would centralize consumerism as the method of rule and that Walter Benjamin taught that law is* violence, then we can easily come to the conclusion that *consumerism equals violence*, which is something we see all the time in reports on human rights and climate.
#WalterBenjamin #ViolenceStudies #VáclavHavel #Consumerism #ViolenceResearch #HumanRights #Climate #ClimateChange
#walterbenjamin #violencestudies #vaclavhavel #consumerism #violenceresearch #humanrights #climate #climatechange
„Havlovo prezidentství mělo silně mravní rozměr, což po éře normalizace způsobilo silný impulz pro společnost. Mělo to ale i problematický rozměr: vzbudilo to očekávání, co politika může a má splňovat.“
1⃣. díl seriálu Prezidentské dekády ⤵️ https://www.irozhlas.cz/zpravy-domov/prezident-dekady-vaclav-havel-devadesata-leta-divoky-vychod_2303061100_mpa
#VaclavHavel's seminal essay 'The Power of the Powerless' now more apposite than ever. It can be read at http://literaria.hstn.me/, then follow Literary & Educational ReadonLine & Downloads. #fraternity #fairness #freedom
#vaclavhavel #fraternity #fairness #freedom
Repression in Russland: Russland wickelt die Zivilgesellschaft ab
#AndrejSacharow #VáclavHavel #BorisNemzow #WladimirPutin #Zivilgesellschaft #Repression #Russland #Moskau #Sacharow #Menschenrechte
#AndrejSacharow #vaclavhavel #borisnemzow #WladimirPutin #zivilgesellschaft #repression #russland #Moskau #sacharow #menschenrechte
"Václav Havel’s Spirit Visited Me"
#poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #VáclavHavel #divorce #writing
#poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #vaclavhavel #divorce #writing
#Czechia has come a considerable way since the #VelvetRevolution and election of #VaclavHavel as president of #Czechoslovakia. My thoughts are will the Czech people as they go to the polls tomorrow and Saturday.
#CzechRepublic #SametovaRevoluce
Presidential elections: Eight condenders, three favourites, two days of voting
#czechia #velvetrevolution #vaclavhavel #czechoslovakia #czechrepublic #sametovarevoluce
Started to watch Simon Schama's #HistoryOfNow. Schama is pretty much hit and/or miss to me, but this one comes recommended.
First episode has Kremlin deceptions and fascist brutality from #SpanishCivilWar to #PragueSpring to Putin's Russia (of course with the current invasion of Ukraine as a backdrop).
#historyofnow #spanishcivilwar #praguespring #georgeorwell #borispasternak #vaclavhavel #pussyriot
"Vision is not enough, it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs." - Vaclav Havel #WednesdayMotivation #QuoteOfTheDay #ContinuousImprovement #Coaching #LyonStrategic #VaclavHavel
#wednesdaymotivation #quoteoftheday #continuousimprovement #coaching #lyonstrategic #vaclavhavel
If the main pillar of the system is living a lie, then it is not surprising that the fundamental #threat to it is living the truth
Orwellian: In trial of 2 #StandNews editors for #sedition, prosecution cites the news org’s quote of #VaclavHavel as evidence of seditious intent: "If the main pillar of the system is living a lie, then…the fundamental threat to it is living the truth." https://bit.ly/3I3hKas https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1608084589712494592#m
#standnews #sedition #vaclavhavel
🇨🇿🇪🇺 Il y a 11 ans disparaissait Vaclav Havel, dramaturge et Président libérateur ✍️http://urlr.me/zTKpt
#RepubliqueTcheque #vaclavhavel
Literarischer #18Dezember
„Die eigentliche Sendung des Intellektuellen ist das Misstrauen gegenüber den Worten.“
#VáclavHavel Tod 2011
Hashtagging everything to (maybe) boost engagement to (maybe) locate a community to (who knows? 🤷♂️) find a likeminded instance is exhausting, but this pic from The #VelvetUnderground Experience has it all! #BlackFlag #Trainspotting #KeithHaring #VaclavHavel #TheKills #Nirvana #FactoryRecords #TheStrokes #AntonCorbijn #HappyMondays #IggyPop #DavidBowie #AbelFerrara #TheSlits #CatPower #RichardHell #JohnWaters #GoBetweens #Eraserhead #CourtneyBarnett & #KurtVile And so many more, feel free to add!
#velvetunderground #blackflag #trainspotting #keithharing #vaclavhavel #thekills #nirvana #factoryrecords #thestrokes #antoncorbijn #happymondays #iggypop #davidbowie #abelferrara #theslits #catpower #richardhell #johnwaters #gobetweens #eraserhead #courtneybarnett #kurtvile
Hashtagging everything to (maybe) boost engagement to (maybe) locate a community to (who knows? 🤷♂️) find a likeminded instance is exhausting, but this pic from The #VelvetUmderground Experience has it all! #BlackFlag #Trainspotting #KeithHaring #VaclavHavel #TheKills #Nirvana #FactoryRecords #TheStrokes #AntonCorbijn #HappyMondays #IggyPop #DavidBowie #AbelFerrara #TheSlits #CatPower #RichardHell #JohnWaters #GoBetweens #Eraserhead #CourtneyBarnett & #KurtVile And so many more, feel free to add!
#velvetumderground #blackflag #trainspotting #keithharing #vaclavhavel #thekills #nirvana #factoryrecords #thestrokes #antoncorbijn #happymondays #iggypop #davidbowie #abelferrara #theslits #catpower #richardhell #johnwaters #gobetweens #eraserhead #courtneybarnett #kurtvile