#Polls for #2024GE showing gains #sunak made by proving a conventional #rightWing populist who does not immediately lay waste to the UK economy, & by his sleight of hand with the Windsor Framework - which did not actually result in Stormont sitting - have been more than undone by the #vacuumOfIntegrity exploding all over the #toriesOut in a spray of metaphorical waste product & mortgage hike - which gets worse
#labour lead increased by c 6% in last fortnight to 20%
#polls #2024GE #Sunak #rightwing #vacuumofintegrity #ToriesOut #Labour
Humza #Yousaf accuses UK government of deposit return scheme sabotage
Mr Yousaf told the BBC: "They're not just trying to scupper the DRS - they're trying to undermine devolution. We've seen it multiple times.
What do you expect from the Conservative & Unionist Party?
The #toriesOut will try to destroy #devolution any way they can - as the #vacuumOfIntegrity who conned people into voting for them said "F*!?! #Scotland "
#yousaf #ToriesOut #devolution #vacuumofintegrity #scotland #Labour
Consistently on the wrong side of history - quite an achievement for a man who studied history & philosophy at Oxford
Which is why, with our unwritten constitution, we desperately need effective regulation of how appointments are made, and effective Freedom of Information
It does look now as though the worst of the #toryCorruption is over with the removal of the #vacuumOfIntegrity & the prospect of the entire rotten lot being evicted from power in #2024GE but there are still plenty of rogues amongst the #toriesOut
#ToryCorruption #vacuumofintegrity #2024GE #ToriesOut
Chris Mason: Johnson Partygate row dredges up stench of chaos
This is a pretty scathing account of recent events involving the #vacuumOfIntegrity - indicates to me that the #BBC no longer fear criticising the self-serving buffoon as they (I think correctly) are now confident he is out of power for good
Covid inquiry demands release of Boris Johnson WhatsApps
The official Covid inquiry threatened government with legal action if it does not release former PM Boris Johnson's unredacted WhatsApp messages and diary entries.
I am pretty sure there are processes that allow sensitive information supplied to an enquiry to remain unpublished....why on earth are the #toriesOut STILL protecting the #vacuumOfIntegrity from scrutiny? His political career is for sure already dead
BBC chairman Richard Sharp resigns
Be clear what happened - an ambitious man seeking preferment realised an amoral #PM needed a discreet form of financial support, & that a mate of #Sharp - being a distant cousin of the #PM though not known to him - could provide that help & it need not be declared since it was "family"
Arrangements made, the #vacuumOfIntegrity got his discreet help & #Sharp chairmanship of our #BBC
It stank - all those involved know it
#pm #sharp #vacuumofintegrity #bbc #ToriesOut
The #pm before last and the #bank
The #vacuumOfIntegrity got an individual investment of £1m from a #crypto investor in January - after the #toriesOut & #reform previously got £15m from the same source - these amounts are not the result of altruism but a thumb on the scales of democracy - & it is #uk taxpayers who would be conned out our money by any step into this black market BS - gambling posing as currency
#pm #bank #vacuumofintegrity #crypto #ToriesOut #reform #uk
They worked out under the #vacuumOfIntegrity if they lie big whilst churning out the #populist BS on #brexit #antiwoke or whatever - however nonsensical and absent of logic or impact it is - then the #gammon will lap it up
#vacuumofintegrity #populist #brexit #Antiwoke #gammon #ToriesOut #Labour
Yet under Corbyn #labour lost two elections on the trot, even going backwards in 2019 against the truly dreadful #vacuumOfIntegrity
It is not "Whoooo!" at Glastonbury wins elections - or even mass afilliaton at £3 a pop - it is crosses on ballot papers in that election
Corbyn was the wrong leader
Well I would far rather have had #Corbyn as PM than the #vacuumOfIntegrity we got - it was a shame that both #2017GE and #2019GE were lost
Personally I rarely post about the former leader - why would I? I do not post about #millibrand or #brown either - and the latter was actually PM & did things
But I do post in response to those dissing #labour whether from the left or right - I want the #toriesOut
#corbyn #vacuumofintegrity #2017ge #2019ge #millibrand #brown #Labour #ToriesOut
UK asylum plans: Plans on future of migrant hotels to be announced
Apparently the less-than-lovely #SuellaBraverman wants to use disused ferries instead - so we are slipping back to #Dickens early 19th C hulks to house #migrants ......
Just because the #sunak govt is competent does not makes it less evil than that of the #vacuumOfIntegrity
#SuellaBraverman #Dickens #migrants #Sunak #vacuumofintegrity #ToriesOut #Labour
If you say so..... not sure what kind of card that is - maybe an invitation to #Davos? Or an air ticket to Mustique? Though given his undisguised contempt for the fat slug #vacuumOfIntegrity I rather doubt he would risk bumping into him there
You need to grow up Lucy - real politics is the art of the possible, not posturing
#davos #vacuumofintegrity #Labour #ToriesOut
#ukOpinionPolls continue to narrow the gap between #toriesOut and #labour - I suspect largely due to #sunak continuing to not break anything or be the subject of scandal, the actual transfer of tax burden from rich to poor in the #budget passing unnoticed, and the prospect of the #vacuumOfIntegrity displacing the PM receding
The gap has dropped from about 22% to 15% - we will see whether recent undertaklings from #starmer make any difference to the direction of travel
#ukopinionpolls #ToriesOut #Labour #Sunak #budget #vacuumofintegrity #Starmer
#sunak is VERY different from #vacuumOfIntegrity
- he's rich where fat slug is constantly cadging from wealthy people wanting a knighthood, chairmanship of a public body or c
- he's right wing - the cult leader by contrast has no convictions apart from criminal ones
- he's been known to tell the truth
- he's once or twice implemented change that make sense - not just barging about breaking stuff
#starmer is miles better than either - #labour is not infected with #populist BS
#Sunak #vacuumofintegrity #Starmer #Labour #populist
they won't - he is clearly lying and the evidence is substantial
Whether they have the stomach to sanction him enough for a recall election (which would eject the #vacuumOfIntegrity from parliament) is another matter
The sooner the fat slug is expelled from the body politic the better
Thge #vacuumOfIntegrity has never done an honest days hard work (or even a dishonest one) in his life!
That 3 hr appearance in front of the privileges committee today was likely more work than he has done in months.......
In that specific way, #johnson is no different from the rest of his class......they all carry that sense of entitlement
But in his total lack of #integrity and the size of his #ego he does rather stand out from the crowd - not unique, but definitely on a different level from (say) #sunak
Remember - if you ever see the #vacuumOfIntegrity ...... Boooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
#johnson #integrity #ego #Sunak #vacuumofintegrity
Regular post on #ukOpinionPolls
Not so good for #labour - definite signs of #toriesOut uptick following #budget - lead cut to c 18% a&falling from over 20%
Somehow people haven't noticed frozen tax bands when inflation is 10% is a big increase in tax for ordinary wage earners - clearly #sunak aiming to cut tax in 2024 for #nextGE
Labour need to sharpen their act if they want to stay ahead - they can't rely on #vacuumOfIntegrity doing the job for them any more
#ukopinionpolls #Labour #ToriesOut #budget #Sunak #nextGE #vacuumofintegrity