Vacuum Chamber Gets Automation - [Nick] does a lot of custom work with vacuum tubes. So much so that he builds his ... - #vacuumchamber #arduinohacks #arduinopro #atmega328p #vacuumtube #arduino #vacuum #glass #pump
#pump #glass #vacuum #arduino #vacuumtube #atmega328p #arduinopro #arduinohacks #vacuumchamber
GLASNOST is a Computer That Makes Transparency A Priority - We live in a world where most of us take the transistor for granted. Within arm’s ... - #computerhacks #corememory #vacuumtube #computer #glasnost #soviet #logic #gate
#gate #logic #soviet #glasnost #computer #vacuumtube #corememory #computerhacks
Spy Radio Setup Gets a Tiny Power Supply for Field Operations - [Helge Fyske (LA6NCA)] may not be an actual spy — then again, he may be; if he’s g... - #amateurradio #switchedmode #radiohacks #vacuumtube #spyradio #mosfet #80-m #smps #ham
#ham #smps #mosfet #spyradio #vacuumtube #radiohacks #switchedmode #amateurradio
Kind of mind blogging. I wonder how many pages the wiring schematic book had? And when a tube went bad you'd need a pickup truck to haul them down to the drug store to test them! That room must have got pretty hot when the machine was on. Neighborhood lights dimmed when they flipped the switch, I'll bet. (Restored high-resolution photo of the 1948 experimental read/write memory Manchester "Baby" computer. Visit the link to see the new 32MB photo!)
We’re on the air! “DC KILOVOLTS” is a pretty terrifying measurement, isn’t it?
#HamRadio #AmateurRadio #broadcastengineering #vacuumtube
We’re on the air! “DC KILOVOLTS” is a pretty terrifying measurement, isn’t it?
#HamRadio #AmateurRadio #broadcastengineering #vacuumtube
It’s time for quarterly #transmitter maintenance at one of my sites today. I always enjoy this one because I get to light up this #VacuumTube powered beauty and put it on the air! Ever since I had that Flexstar exciter repaired, it can even do HD Radio on a tube!
#BroadcastEngineering #Broadcasting #Radio #HDRadio #AmateurRadio #HamRadio
#HamRadio #AmateurRadio #hdradio #Radio #broadcasting #broadcastengineering #vacuumtube #transmitter
It’s time for quarterly #transmitter maintenance at one of my sites today. I always enjoy this one because I get to light up this #VacuumTube powered beauty and put it on the air! Ever since I had that Flexstar exciter repaired, it can even do HD Radio on a tube!
#BroadcastEngineering #Broadcasting #Radio #HDRadio #AmateurRadio #HamRadio
#HamRadio #AmateurRadio #hdradio #Radio #broadcasting #broadcastengineering #vacuumtube #transmitter
Ya, I know this guy. He has an electric hearse and he use to have an electric GM van (NiCad batteries), an electric bus (also NiCad batteries) from the 1980s, and a collection of thousands of...wait for it...vacuum tubes! Another friend, Cindy, wrote this article about Bill last year.
The PDP8 That Never Was: Hollow State Logic - [Outer World Apps] noted that there was no PDP-8/V made by DEC — a variant that us... - #retrocomputing #vacuumtube #pdp-8
#pdp #vacuumtube #retrocomputing
Spy Transceiver Makes Two Tubes Do the Work of Five #continuouswave #transceiver #RadioHacks #oscillator #vacuumtube #sidetone #spyradio #amateur #mixer #relay #ham #cw
#continuouswave #transceiver #RadioHacks #oscillator #vacuumtube #sidetone #spyradio #amateur #mixer #relay #ham #cw
Spy Transceiver Makes Two Tubes Do the Work of Five - Here at Hackaday, we love following along with projects as they progress. That’s e... - #continuouswave #transceiver #radiohacks #oscillator #vacuumtube #sidetone #spyradio #amateur #mixer #relay #ham #cw
#cw #ham #relay #mixer #amateur #spyradio #sidetone #vacuumtube #oscillator #radiohacks #transceiver #continuouswave
The Peak of Vacuum Tube Radio Design #summitsontheair #RadioHacks #vacuumtube #mountain #summit #morse #radio #peak #pota #SOTA #tube #40m #diy #QRP #cw
#summitsontheair #RadioHacks #vacuumtube #mountain #summit #morse #radio #peak #pota #sota #tube #40m #diy #qrp #cw
Tiny Three-Tube Receiver Completes Spy Radio Suite #amateurradio #regenerative #RadioHacks #vacuumtube #spyradio #radio #ham
#amateurradio #regenerative #RadioHacks #vacuumtube #spyradio #radio #ham
Tiny Three-Tube Receiver Completes Spy Radio Suite - In our surface-mount age, it’s easy to be jaded about miniaturization. We pretty m... - #amateurradio #regenerative #radiohacks #vacuumtube #spyradio #radio #ham
#ham #radio #spyradio #vacuumtube #radiohacks #regenerative #amateurradio
#vacuumtube #vacuumTubes
Hi, looking forward if anyone has any "unwanted tubes" and/or "some tubes available for some small projects NOT at IMPOSSIBLE prices". I am NOT looking for stuff like KT88/EL34/etc. more like ECC81 some "final pentode" for some small size "little projects". I live in UK I don't know much "where to look for tubes". I mean last time I really bought a tube was around 10 pounds, now I see the same tubes at 100 pounds each that scares me ! 😱 Thanks in advance foe any info.
Tube Amplifier Uses Low Voltage, Sips Battery #classichacks #lowvoltage #vacuumtube #amplifier #lowpower #2SH27L #heater #2P29L #tube #amp
#classichacks #lowvoltage #vacuumtube #amplifier #lowpower #2sh27l #heater #2p29l #tube #amp
Tube Amplifier Uses Low Voltage, Sips Battery - Much like vinyl records, tube amplifiers are still prized for their perceived soun... - #classichacks #lowvoltage #vacuumtube #amplifier #lowpower #2sh27l #heater #2p29l #tube #amp
#amp #tube #2p29l #heater #2sh27l #lowpower #amplifier #vacuumtube #lowvoltage #classichacks