Terra gets sucked in by a monster and gulped down, without anything near by to hang onto. A short test to see how polished I can make one of these animatics. 🔉 🌪️
#vore #vacuumvore #worksucks
Vacuum is Super Effective!
Poke-anthro animatic focusing on vacuum peril, lots of hanging on and paws in the air 🌪️🔊
#sound #vacuumvore #vore #pokemon
#sound #vacuumvore #vore #pokemon
Sketches from a request stream I did last year called "Vac Friday" where, as you guessed it, people gave me vacuum/suction related prompts. Tried to get to as many as I could. Hope to do this again this year. #vacuumvore #sugophilia #suctionkink
#vacuumvore #sugophilia #suctionkink
Just another day out and about for Terra and Gayle. Animated commission by @Vausch #vore #vacuumvore #worksuckscomic
#vore #vacuumvore #worksuckscomic
Speaking of vacuums, and this one more explicitly #vore, Eggy finds himself in the hose of a hungry vacuum cleaner originally designed by Nickwolf! #vacuumvore
Been a while since I mixed humans and aliens together in a bit of vacuum peril. This time with a UFO. I didn't see the movie before I drew this but it was still somehow inspired.
#vore #vacuumvore #jumpsuits
"Let's go spelunking," they said. Gayle and Terra's company outing is going as well as usual. #vore #vacuumvore #endosoma
A lemur's larger-than-their-body tail is ample space for everyone to hang onto against this hoovering pink titan.
#vore #vacuumvore #vacuumperil
#vore #vacuumvore #vacuumperil
Belloink! Bell for short. Not just a sound, but a flat toony rubbery pig. Of course what's a new OC without a handy reference Gayle to show off what they can do?
#vore #vacuumvore #flattening
Rocko's Modern Life had a profound effect on me. Mostly the effect was realizing I could draw giant monstrous vacuum cleaners, but it wasn't until recently I actually drew the Suck-O-Matic myself.
#rockosmodernlife #fanart #vacuumvore #vore
#rockosmodernlife #fanart #vacuumvore #vore
Collaboration with Frogbait/GTB23, where his character Hooper tries to sneak up on Gayle only to find his snoring a little too powerful to deal with at this size.
#micro #vore #vacuumvore
So about kink tagging on here. Specifically my specific niche.
I have a few I can already use for when I vacuum post, which will be a lot. #vacuum and #vore seem obvious enough. For more specific focuses, we got #vacuumvore for well, vore via suction, and #vacuumperil for times when it's just people hanging on against suction.
But what about #sugophilia? I thought of it a few years ago, and some people us it. No real concrete meaning, but it worth a try?
#kink #fetish
#vacuum #vore #vacuumvore #vacuumperil #sugophilia #kink #fetish
Hey don't know what all this vacuum stuff I draw even is? Here's a compilation based on past suggestions called Vactober.
#vore #vacuumvore #vacuumperil
#vore #vacuumvore #vacuumperil