My book chapter on assisted dying is now available online. I'm very proud and quite chuffed - it's a subject I'm quite passionate about.
#VAD #AssistedDying #research #writing #academia #AcademicChatter #PublicHealth
#vad #assisteddying #research #writing #academia #academicchatter #publichealth
#vad #voluntaryassisteddying #health #auspol
Call for Panels is open for the German #African Studies Conference #VAD
30 September - 02 October 2024
in #Bayreuth
@ForschungUBT @joelglasman @tommenger @kimtodzi
#african #vad #Bayreuth #africa #africanstudies #histodons
Was sagen eigentlich #Wagenknecht , #Schwarzer , #Vad und die ganzen anderen #Putinknechte zur aktuellen Situation?
#wagenknecht #schwarzer #vad #Putinknechte
VAD Foster's compassion, community, communication, and better end of life and death outcomes.
Don't believe the religious hysterical hype - VAD is opt-in and offers genuine choice for those who meet the criteria.
Advocacy and support from non-medical workers - like end of life doulas - can make the process even smoother for everyone involved. Got questions? I'm here to help.
#GDEP #VAD #AskAnnetta #choices #EndOfLife #dignity #EOLD #EOLDoula #DeathDoula #MallonModel #support
#gdep #vad #askannetta #choices #endoflife #dignity #eold #eoldoula #DeathDoula #mallonmodel #support
@Peternimmo Knowing that I have had a great life, am near death and am now an expense to my community I believe is a very valid reason to choose VAD. It is 100% what I would want to do. Your interpretation strikes me as dismissive of the validity of others life choices. #VAD #Euthenasia
#Arcom : un premier bilan contrasté de sa lutte contre le piratage audiovisuel
Comme l’affirme le régulateur, des progrès notables ont été observés dans certains domaines, grâce à une nouvelle collaboration avec les ayants droit. En revanche, dans d’autres domaines, dont le téléchargement direct, la situation est plus contrastée.
#hadopi #lqdn #copyright #sharing #partage #sharingiscaring #torrent #bittorrent #streaming #stream #vod #vad #censorship #censure
#arcom #hadopi #lqdn #copyright #sharing #partage #sharingiscaring #torrent #bittorrent #streaming #stream #vod #vad #censorship #censure
Ukraine-Krieg - Shoigu fordert Verdoppelung der Raketenproduktion
Russlands Verteidigungsminister Shoigu fordert eine Verdoppelung der Produktion von taktischen Raketenwaffen.
Ukraine-Krieg - Shoigu fordert Verdoppelung der Raketenproduktion
>Russlands Verteidigungsminister Shoigu fordert eine Verdoppelung der Produktion von taktischen Raketenwaffen.
➡️ Wo ist Ihre Empörung, Frau #Wagenknecht #Dagdelen #MohamedAli #Schwarzer #Weidel #Käßmann ? Wo Ihr Aufschrei, Herr #Drewermann #Sonneborn #Vad #Somuncu #OlafMüller #Bartsch #Lafontaine #Chrupalla #Welzer ?
#Welzer #chrupalla #LaFontaine #bartsch #olafmuller #somuncu #vad #sonneborn #Drewermann #kaßmann #weidel #schwarzer #MohamedAli #Dagdelen #wagenknecht
I gave a presentation at Douglas College in New Westminster BC today on end of life doulas and assisted dying as part of a virtual conference.
Thanks go to the brilliant cabaret artist Reuben Kaye for a pivotal quote I included in this talk (from his recent 'Live and Intimidating' show): "Nothing hates like Christian love". The perfect encapsulation of hysterical and fallacious opposition to VAD.
A fascinating day with international contributors. Thank you to the End of Life Doula Association of Canada and Douglas College.
#EOLD #DeathDoula #VAD #AssistedDying #MAiD #conference #PublicSpeaking #community #collaboration #ReubenKaye
#eold #DeathDoula #vad #assisteddying #maid #conference #PublicSpeaking #community #collaboration #reubenkaye
April 21st @ 5pm MDT | Check out Dr. Sabena Hussain of @CincyChildrens who's poster highlights outcomes for children with mechanical valves at the time of #VAD implant at #ISHLT2023. Learn more: @ISHLT #PedsHF #PedsVAD #CardioTwitter #Collaboration
#vad #ishlt2023 #pedshf #pedsvad #cardiotwitter #collaboration
Palliative care maintaining a determined "pain meds are enough at end of life" stance (they often aren't) and religious organisations and their representatives insisting that a 'Special Sky Daddy and a book of magic' merit overturning an individual's choice, dignity and agency for VAD is unforgivable.
Assisted dying legislation must empower individuals, not corporate interests (religious and care-home based).
Read about some avoidable and horrible outcomes in VIC here, with caution.
#GDEP #VAD #choice #dignity #respect #AssistedDying #EndOfLife #legislation #transparency
#gdep #vad #choice #dignity #respect #assisteddying #endoflife #legislation #transparency
Cardiac #ECMO & #VAD at Specialist Education in #ECMO Conference #SEECMO2023, hosted by University of Florida & supported by ELSO - Extracorporeal Life Support Organization
🫀 Berlin Heart - Mark Bleiweis & Joseph Philip
🫀 VA #ECLS, #Impella,#LVAD - Eric Jeng
🫀 RV Support, Oxy-RVAD - William Jakobleff
🫀 view of the future from lab - Silver Heinsar
🗓️ May 19-21, 2023
🗺️ Gainesville, FL
🖋️ Register at
#ECMO #vad #seecmo2023 #ecls #impella #lvad
RT @MMKeupp
#russland mobilisiert #T55. erich #vad: "Putin kann beliebig viel Personal, Material, Waffen, Gerät, Logistik nachschieben, wie er will. Permanent. Denn er hat die logistische Basis quasi hinter sich." (#weltwoche, 22.11.22) stimmt! demnächst: t-34, pferde! #eskalationsdominanz!
#russland #t55 #vad #Weltwoche #Eskalationsdominanz
RT @m_grill
Gute Geschichte in der NZZ über den Brigadegeneral Erich Vad, der seit dem Ukrainekrieg eine Talkshowkarriere hingelegt hat, in seinen Einschätzungen aber meist kolossal daneben lag. Aber jetzt, sagt er, wolle er keine Interviews mehr geben. #Vad #ErichVad
Great strides are being made in the early days of Tasmania's VAD process, which demonstrates safety and choice for end of life.
Read more here:
#GDEP #VAD #tasmania #AssistedDying #EndOfLife #choice #safety
ID: a variegated blue and green background with a white square and text. "Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Congratulations Tasmania the wait is over. The 18 month preparation period officially ended October 23rd 2022, and events have taken place. This is a good thing. "
#gdep #vad #tasmania #assisteddying #endoflife #choice #safety
Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day. I went to the hospital to witness paperwork for a patient who is seeking voluntary assisted dying.
Voluntary Assisted Dying is available in #Victoria (and other states) to people who meet the eligibility criteria. The law allows a person in the late stages of advanced disease to seek medical help to end their life. Some of the paperwork requires two witnesses.
#VoluntaryAssistedDying #VAD #AssistedDying #Euthanasia #EndOfLife #EndOfLifeDoula #DeathDoula
#DeathDoula #endoflifedoula #endoflife #euthanasia #assisteddying #vad #voluntaryassisteddying #victoria
Die Aktion ist nicht in erster Linie deshalb schlecht, weil Faschos mitlaufen, sondern weil im zugehörigen sog. #ManifestfürFrieden „Kompromisse auf beiden Seiten“ und damit völkerrechtswidrig auch von der Ukraine gefordert werden. Damit würde der Agressor belohnt und das Prinzip der #ruleoflaw verletzt. Initiator:innen wie Erst- und Folgeunterzeicher:innen haben nicht verstanden, dass unter einem geduldeten (Völker-) Rechtsbruch kein Frieden existiert, der diesen Namen verdient; dass dieser Krieg nicht endet, ehe nicht sämtliche russischen Truppen das Territorium der Ukraine (also das in den völkerrechtlich anerkannten und u.a. im russisch-ukrainischen Grenzvertrag von 2003 festgehaltenen Grenzen vom 24.08.1991) verlassen haben.
#nojusticenopeace #Wagenknecht #Schwarzer #Lafontaine #Vad #b2502 #sesselpazifismus #fazifismus #imperialpazifismus
#imperialpazifismus #fazifismus #sesselpazifismus #b2502 #vad #LaFontaine #schwarzer #wagenknecht #nojusticenopeace #ruleoflaw #manifestfurfrieden