Long CoVid Speaking and Swallowing Problems:
CoVid viruses can damage the vagus nerve, critical for speaking, swallowing, proper digestion, and control of heart rate. #CoVid #vagus #speaking #swallowing #heartrate #digestion
#COVID #vagus #speaking #swallowing #heartrate #digestion
Why the #vagus nerve is crucial in our daily lives
Anyone do research on the vagus nerve and current treatments involving stimulation? #vagusnerve #vagus
Cutting #Brain-gut #Vagus Nerve Lessens Loss of #Myelin in #MS #Mice
Severing the lower part of the vagus nerve that connects the brain and gut led to less myelin loss in a mouse model used to study MS. https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/news-posts/2022/12/22/cutting-brain-gut-vagus-nerve-lessens-myelin-loss-ms-mice/
#brain #vagus #myelin #ms #mice
Normalcy #bias meets the vagus nerve? - Just stumbled over the interesting article, ‚How Normalcy Bias Will Define Our Future‘: „About half of people are almost destined to shut down during an emergency. Even if they can function, they’ll spend precious time gossiping with each other …“ And i wonder how this might be connected to Porges’ #polyvagaltheory #vagus https://jessicawildfire.substack.com/p/its-not-cool-to-overreact-how-normalcy?utm_campaign=auto_share
Normalcy #bias meets the vagus nerve? - Just stumbled over the interesting article, ‚How Normalcy Bias Will Define Our Future‘: „About half of people are almost destined to shut down during an emergency. Even if they can function, they’ll spend precious time gossiping with each other …“ And i wonder how this might be connected to Porges’ #polyvagaltheory #vagus https://jessicawildfire.substack.com/p/its-not-cool-to-overreact-how-normalcy?utm_campaign=auto_share
What is the potential of vagus nerve stimulation to modulate the gut-brain axis? In a new interview for Technology Networks, I talk about our vision for gut-based interventions to improve #motivation
#neuroscience #gut #brain #stimulation #vagus
#motivation #neuroscience #gut #brain #stimulation #vagus
#Stimulating the #vagus nerve may reduce symptoms of #multiplesclerosis https://www.newscientist.com/article/2350880-stimulating-the-vagus-nerve-may-reduce-symptoms-of-multiple-sclerosis/
#stimulating #vagus #multiplesclerosis
RT @LindaStone
Terrific thread on the #vagus nerve https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1600130231897329665
First announcement on here. On Thursday, we will host Jean-Philippe Krieger in our Tübingen-Bonn Research Colloquium.
He will talk about vagal #gut- #brain control in #anxiety: from #rodents to #humans.
If you want to join on Zoom, sign up on our website: https://neuromadlab.org/tuborc
Upcoming speaker @cogneuroludwig is now also on Mastodon, so check out what she is up to.
#neuroscience #vagus
#gut #brain #anxiety #rodents #humans #neuroscience #vagus
All 58 of their #LongCovid patients had chronic #epipharyngitis with complaints of fatigue, headache, or attention disorder. 90% were moderate or severe. Epipharyngeal abrasive therapy (EAT) alleviated symptoms, even when it didn't reduce inflammation. "The mechanisms of EAT are reported to be the anti-inflammatory effect of ZnCl2, the blood-letting effect, and #vagus nerve stimulation." This treatment may be an easy option to relieve some chronic #SarsCoV2 symptoms.
#LongCovid #epipharyngitis #vagus #SarsCoV2