Grace · @gracenigma
7 followers · 38 posts · Server

I watched your debate w/Rubio; you were phenomenal. Sharp. Spot on. Rubio looked lost & tripping over the same whiny talking points. He had NO solutions. YOU were brilliant taking him to task. You won that debate. I was gobsmacked when Floridians still voted for him. Seriously?


Last updated 2 years ago

Pat Piaskowski · @Franklypat
249 followers · 218 posts · Server

Republican losers last night and today are claiming/alleging election fraud (Kari Lake) while democratic losers are gracefully conceding (Val Deming Tim Ryan) Says a lot about the state of US political scene. The anticipated Red wave died before it ever materialized. A lot of pundits and politicians eating from crow this morning

#midterms #valdeming #johnfetterman #elections #pundit #timryan #noredwave

Last updated 2 years ago